TAURON Capital Group’s key non-financial efficiency ratios

In order to make the best possible use of the value levers (drivers) set as part of the Strategy, key non-financial efficiency ratios (metrics, performance indicators) related to TAURON Capital Group’s operations are defined in the following areas of activity:
Reliability and quality of the supply of products and services for the customer,
Orientation towards the customer and his/her needs
Environment protection
Labor safety, ethics culture and employee engagement
Social and business partnership
The below table presents the key non-financial efficiency ratios (metrics, performance indicators) related to TAURON Capital Group’s operations in 2021-2022.
Key non-financial efficiency ratios (metrics, performance indicators) related to TAURON Capital Group’s operations in 2021-2022.
Key non-financial efficiency ratio (performance indicator) | Name of capital / element related to capital | Ratio (indicator) nature | unit | Value of the ratio (metric, performance indicator | |
2022 | 2021 | ||||
Reliability and quality of the supply of products and services for the customer | |||||
1. Number of customers of TAURON Capital Group’s Distribution Line of Business: individual (households) and business customers | Financial capital / Distribution Segment’s Regulatory Asset Base (RAB), capital expenditures, cash flow from operating activities | Stimulant | number | 221 364 | 222 615 |
2. Number of cases of non-compliance and complaints related to products and services of TAURON Capital Group with respect to providing information (disclosures) | Financial capital / cash flow from operating activities, net profit, long term rating | Destimulant | number | 0 | 0 |
3. Frequency of planned power outages – number of outages (interruptions) / consumer / year (SAIFI) | Financial capital / cash flow from operating activities | Destimulant | minutes | 0..22 | 0.19 |
Orientation towards the customer and his/her needs | |||||
4. Number of individual and business customers of TAURON Capital Group’s Supply Line of Business | Financial capital / sales revenue, EBITDA, EBITDA margin, net profit, long term rating | Stimulant | number | 5 698 004 | 5 622 759 |
5. Number of TAURON Capital Group’s cases of non-compliance related to marketing communications | Social capital / Implemented and applied TAURON Group’s PROClient Social Policy | Destimulant | number | 0 | 0 |
Environment protection | |||||
6. Percentage share of TAURON Capital Group’s RES installed capacity in TAURON Capital Group’s total installed capacity | Production capital / Installed capacity in hydro, wind, solar and biomass fired power plants and combined heat and power plants | Stimulant | % | 13 | 9 |
7. Percentage share of TAURON Capital Group’s electricity production based on RES in Tauron Capital Group’s total electricity production | Production capital / electricity production by hydro, wind, solar and biomass fired power plants and combined heat and power plants | Stimulant | % | 11 | 12 |
Production capital / heat production by biomass fired combined heat and power plants | Stimulant | % | 5 | 5 | |
8. Direct greenhouse gas emissions by TAURON Capital Group – tCO2e | Natural capital / direct greenhouse gas emissions | Destimulant | Mg | 13 773 702 | 13 702 825 |
9. Total weight of non-hazardous waste (including the combustion and mining processes’ by-products) generated by TAURON Capital Group | Natural capital / total amount of non- hazardous waste | Destimulant | Mg | 1 435 616 | 1 655 250 |
Labor safety, ethics culture and employee engagement | |||||
10. Number of meetings with trade union organizations at TAURON Capital Group’s subsidiaries | Intellectual capital, Social capital, Human capital / developing relationships based on dialogue, organizational culture based on PRO values | Stimulant | number | 291 | 315 |
11. Number of employees at TAURON Capital Group | Human capital / number of employees
Human capital / number of training courses conducted by Internal Coaches (Trainers) Intellectual capital / knowledge and competences of the Group’s employees Social capital / personnel education and development |
Nominant | number | 25 740 | 25 324 |
12. Accident rate at TAURON Capital Group | Social capital / organizational culture based on the PRO values | Destimulant | – | 6,6 | 7,9 |
13. Share of women among TAURON Capital Group’s workforce | Human capital / share of women among the workforce
Social capital / TAURON Group’s Diversity Policy and TAURON Group’s Respect for Human Rights Policy implemented and applied
Nominant | % | 22.2 | 21.8 |
14. Number of training session hours at TAURON Capital Group | Social capital / support for local initiatives through TAURON Foundation | Stimulant | ’000 | 398 | 385 |
Social and business partnership | |||||
15. Number of local and social initiatives that TAURON Foundation has joined | Kapitał społeczny / wsparcie lokalnych inicjatywy za pośrednictwem Fundacji TAURON | Stimulant | number | 181 | 93 |
16. Number of projects with respect to corporate social responsibility implemented by TAURON Capital Group | Social capital / implemented and applied TAURON Group’s PROClient Social Policy, developing lasting relationships and active dialogue with the stakeholders, support for local initiatives, including via TAURON Foundation | Stimulant | number | 27 | 22 |
17. Number of TAURON Capital Group’s meetings with local communities held in order to provide information on the operations conducted and its impact on the residents | Stimulant | number | Continuously, in line with the ongoing operations | Continuously, in line with the ongoing operations |