Shareholders holding, as of December 31, 2021, and as of the date of drawing up this report, directly or indirectly via subsidiaries, substantial blocks of the Company’s shares.

Shareholders Number of shares held Percentage share in share capital Liczba Number of votes held Percentage share in the total number of votes
1. State Treasury 526 848 384 30.06% 526 848 384 30.06%
2. KGHM Polska Miedź (Polish Copper) 182 110 566 10.39% 182 110 566 10.39%
3. Nationale-Nederlanden
Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny (Open Pension Fund)
88 742 929 5.06% 88 742 929 5.06%


There had been no changes in the holdings of the substantial blocks of TAURON shares in 2022.

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