Prizes and accolades

TAURON and TAURON Capital Group’s subsidiaries received the following awards and accolades (honorable mentions) in 2022:
TAURON awarded special The Best of The Best prize for the continuous high quality of the financial and non-financial reporting in The Best Annual Report 2021 competition organized by the Institute of Accounting and Taxes.
TAURON awarded the DNA – because helping is in our genes prize for the assistance in the rebuilding of the energy infrastructure of Ukraine in the competition organized by the Positive Ideas Foundation (Fundacja Pozytywnych Idei).
TAURON awarded a prize in the Innovation of the Year category for the micro grid built in Bytom in the Energy World Leaders Competition, which recognizes the best practices contributing to the increasing climate neutrality and greening of the Polish economy.
TAURON awarded the prize in the Whistleblowing Project of the Year category in the Polish Compliance Awards 2021 competition organized by the Compliance Institute.
TAURON awarded the Top Quality HR Certificate by the Polish Human Resources Management Association (Polskie Stowarzyszenie Zarządzania Kadrami) for the highest quality human capital management practices.
TAURON Wydobycie awarded an honorable mention for testing new ways of recultivating and greening heaps as part of the international, pro-ecological project RECOVERY, whose goal is to develop a way to recultivate the so-called facilities used to neutralize mining waste and other degraded areas.
TAURON awarded a special prize and Friendly Workplace 2022 trophy for the activities aimed at developing friendly organizational culture based on the open relations with the employees in the competition organized by
The Friendly Workplace 2022 prize was also awarded to the TAURON Obsługa Klienta subsidiary for a modern approach in the personnel policy and development area.
TAURON Wydobycie awarded honorable mentions for the innovative technical solutions applied in the new shaft at the Janina Coal Mine and the pro-ecological activities related to the recultivation of the post-mining dumps in the Mining Success of the Year competition, organized by the Mining Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Górnicza Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa).
TAURON Group awarded an honorable mention and the Amber Heart trophy in the Nationwide Energy Summit in recognition of a commitment to the social activities and organizing the Children’s Haven at TAURON Arena Kraków.
TAURON awarded the Orzel Wprost 2022 award in the Silesia province for the implementation of the installations utilizing methane from a coal mine to produce electricity.
TAURON awarded a trophy by the Technical Supervision Office (Urząd Dozoru Technicznego) for the high standard of technical safety in recognition of the cooperation in the field of minimizing the risk of operating technical devices and a contribution to the development of the Polish economy.
TAURON awarded the 3rd place in the competition Best investor relations according to the individual investors in 2021 among the WIG30 companies organized by Gazeta Giełdy i Inwestorów Parkiet (Stock Market and Investors Newspaper) and the Brokerage Houses Chamber (Izba Domów Maklerskich).
TAURON awarded a trophy for an innovative approach to the distributed power generation in the competition Kryształy Polskiej Gospodarki 2021, organized by the magazine Forum Polskiej Gospodarki (Polish Economy Forum).
TAURON Dystrybucja awarded the prize Pracodawca wspierający szkolnictwo zawodowe 2022 (Employer Supporting Vocational Education 2022) for the involvement in the education of young electricians.
TAURON Obsługa Klienta awarded the IFS Business Transformation Awards 2022 prize by the Industrial and Financial Systems for 30 years of the partnership cooperation.