- As part of the natural environment protection efforts such directions as: combating climate change and environmental degradation, strengthening the implementation of GOZ and sustainable infrastructure are being pursued. Goals set to be implemented: seeking to minimize hard coal consumption and achieving climate neutrality by 2050, providing support for the fight against low emissions, taking measures promoting the growth of a circular economy, adaptation to climate change.
- With respect to social responsibility, the following directions are indicated: employees as a key value of TAURON Group, customer orientation, social and business partnerships. Goals set to be implemented: a work environment that supports employee development ensuring compliance with the principles of ethics and diversity, providing support for customers in their pursuit of sustainable development and strengthening their competitiveness through the development of green product offerings, introduction of facilities and elimination of barriers for people with disabilities, increase in the level of customer satisfaction and digitalization of customer service processes, support for public welfare activities as well as effective and transparent dialogue.
- As part of the corporate governance the goals assumed include ensuring safety based on best practices and standards, applying corporate governance in accordance with best practices, managing risks and the internal control system, developing the organization’s ethical culture. Goals set to be implemented: managing TAURON Group in line with corporate governance, ESG-related management objectives, developing positive relations with shareholders, ensuring the functioning of systems (including compliance management, risk management, internal control, fraud reporting), ensuring security and data protection, strengthening resilience to cyber threats.
ESG in the context of strategy

ESG engagement and activity management
The progressing climate change and its projected effects require fundamental changes to the role and directions of development of the companies operating in the power sector.
In view of the most important goal, which is the transition to a low-carbon economy, in its new Strategy TAURON Group took into account the UN Sustainable Development Goals. TAURON Group supports the implementation of all of the UN goals in its operations, and in particular it focuses on 5 goals related to the Group’s characteristics presented in graph below.
2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals at TAURON Group

The Group also takes part in national and European discussions as well as projects with respect to climate related energy transition. TAURON Group also takes care of the highest standards in relations with customers and stakeholders, based on a two-way dialogue, and in its activities meets the needs of disadvantaged customers and vulnerable consumer groups. The Group is guided by the principle of equal treatment of employees, respect for human rights and counteracting discrimination.
In December 2021, the Management Board of the Company appointed the ESG Committee (E - Environment, S - Social Responsibility and G - Corporate Governance), involving the Group’s top management therein.
The tasks of the Committee include, first of all, creating, disseminating and supervising the Group’s approach to the sustainable development issues and ensuring the consistency of TAURON Group’s Strategy operationalization process with these issues.
In October 2022, TAURON joined the UN Global Compact Network Poland organization. UN Global Compact is the world’s largest initiative bringing together companies and institutions pledging to conduct their business operations in a sustainable manner. Members of the organization include entities from public, private and academic institutions focused on working towards the United Nations Global Goals.