1. |
Social risk |
The risk includes the risk of non-compliance with the customer service standards, implementation of supply contracts, external communications and marketing activities, as well as the risk related to the protection of personal data. The risk materialization results in a loss of reputation and the customers’ trust, disputes with customers, a failure to meet the goals, including the sales goals, and possible penalties for the non-compliance with the legal requirements regarding personal data protection. |
- Applying of the PRO Client Social Policy.
- Conducting of the dialogue with the customers, including customer satisfaction surveys, tailoring the product offering to their needs, ensuring high quality of the customer service.
- Developing of the relationships with the customers and the market environment.
- Responsibility for the product, including for the quality and security of the supply, tailoring of the product offering to the customer expectations.
- Protection of privacy and security of the customers’ personal data.
- Deploying of the tools supporting the implementation of the client social policy.
- Standardization of the draft contracts (contract templates) with the customers and their adaptation to the changes in the legal regulations as well as the optimization of the sales and service processes.
- Implementation of the promotional activities in accordance with the adopted TAURON Brand Strategy and TAURON Group’s Sponsorship Strategy for the years 2018-2025, taking into account the respect for the human rights and conducting of the responsible marketing activities.
2. |
Corporate social responsibility area management risk |
Risk related to the involvement of TAURON Group in the activities that do not respond to the needs of the stakeholders resulting in a loss of confidence on the part of various stakeholder groups, loss of the credibility and the messages generated by the company in the society. |
- Implementation and performance of the CSR projects plan, which specifies all activities, including the justification thereof.
- Applying of the document entitled TAURON Group’s Principles of Conducting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects.
- Approval of the key activities by the authorized areas.
3. |
Risk of reputation management by shaping the brand image |
The risk associated with the use of the TAURON brand in combination with the adverse, controversial activities that have a negative impact on the Group’s image, which in effect projects an inadequate image of the company. |
- Supervising of the process of establishing the methodology for conducting promotional and sponsorship campaigns, approving of the key activities by the authorized areas.
- Implementing of the Visual Identification System, appointing a Team responsible for assessing and approving the image building projects.