- making sure the highest standards are met in the relationships with the customers, based on transparency, mutual respect and trust,
- continuous bi-directional communications, based on a dialogue,
- surveying customer opinions (feedback), experiences and expectations,
- responding to customer needs through a clear offering, satisfying their needs and meeting their expectations.
PRO Client Social Policy

TAURON Group, in line with the Strategy, wants to respond to the customers’ expectations and needs. A key strategic objective, with respect to customer service, is to maintain high standards of service.
In accordance with the assumptions, by 2030:
- more than 90% of customer cases will be resolved during the first contact with the customer,
- full digitization of service will be introduced and paper documents will be abandoned,
- all service channels will be adapted to the needs of people with disabilities.
The Management Board of TAURON Polska Energia S.A. adopted TAURON Group’s PRO Client Social Policy to be applied in 2017. The document is aimed at developing adequate organizational and business conditions required to achieve the strategic goals of TAURON Group with respect to the customer and market environment relations.
The policy is a collection of main assumptions applied in the supply and customer service process. The number of TAURON Group’s employees is presented in table below.
Number of TAURON Group’s individual and business customers as of December 31, 2022
Supply group type |
Supply Line of Business | Transmission and Distribution |
Individual | 5 294 322 | 11 912 |
Business (including institutions) | 403 682 | 209 452 |
Total | 5 698 004 | 221 364 |
Due diligence procedures and internal regulations
By implementing the assumptions of the PRO Customer Social Policy TAURON Capital Group is responding in the best possible manner to the customer needs, focusing its efforts on the following principal issues:

Marketing research
Due diligence procedures implemented as part of the PRO Customer Social Policy include, first and foremost, periodic surveys. Their goal is to get to know the customers so as to be able to even more fully respond to their needs. The monitoring of the marketing communications is carried out in cooperation with the market analysts. The summary of such surveys conducted in 2022 is presented in table below.
Subject of the survey | Time when the survey was conducted |
Surveys on products / services: | |
Survey on the Heating product | 03.2022 |
Survey on the Microgrids product | 08.2022 |
Survey on the assistance for the SME segment product | 07.2022 |
Survey of the LAS product customers | 11.2022 |
Survey of the Photovoltaics product customers | 10.2022 |
Photovoltaics product customer satisfaction survey | 12.2022 |
Smart Home Grenton product customer satisfaction survey | 12.2022 |
Survey on the use of the online services | 05.2022 |
Monitoring of consistency and transparency of the marketing communications, including in particular the communications related to the new products and offerings, including: | |
Survey on the effectiveness of the “From TAURON, not by chance (Z TAURONA, nie z przypadku)” campaign | 07.2022 |
Mystery shopper research at Customer Service Centers and Partner Outlets (4 waves) | Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4.2022 |
Survey on the familiarity with the TAURON offering | 12.2022 |
Survey on the awareness of the functioning of the Partner Outlets | 11.2022 |
Educational activities targeted at the customers
As part of the due diligence procedures also educational activities targeted at the customers and the disadvantaged groups (including customers vulnerable to electricity prices and seniors) were conducted. The summary of such activities and their quantities are presented in tables below.
Information campaigns | Activities conducted as part of the campaign |
„Replace your heating system, take the subsidy” campaign
TAURON launched a program to subsidize the replacement of the old heating system with more environmentally friendly equipment in 2022. As part of the program, each customer who have decided to replace their old heating solution with a more ecological one, taking advantage of TAURON’s offering, could receive up to PLN 4 200. The amount of the subsidy depends on the year of the construction of the building and the type of solution chosen. The highest subsidies will be granted to TAURON’s customers who will choose the heat pumps. An advantage of the „Heat yourself with TAURON (Ogrzej się z TAURONEM)” program is that it did not exclude the possibility of obtaining subsidies for investments from other sources, such as the nationwide „Clean Air (Czyste Powietrze)” program. As part of the program’s promotion, a guidebook was compiled in which TAURON experts not only explained the principles of the program, but also presented the advantages of particular solutions, i.e. the heat pumps, gas condensing boilers. In parallel, TAURON ran an information campaign on the Internet, radio, press and billboards in order to make it easier for residents to replace their old furnaces with the new ones. |
Wide-ranging on-line campaign |
Promotion of the subsidy program and guide on the LEPIEJ (BETTER) blog. | |
1050 ebook downloads, 6500 viewings of the article about the program | |
131 200 copies of the guide distributed in printed form | |
Education and sales campaign on the photovoltaics targeting residential customers
The year 2022 was a time of big changes for the photovoltaics market in Poland. As of April 1, 2022, a new prosumer billing system took effect: the net-billing. This change raised a lot of concerns about the profitability of photovoltaics investments, primarily among individual customers. That’s why TAURON, with those who are considering installing a photovoltaic system in mind, has prepared a guide book „Photovoltaics in light of the new benefits” – a comprehensive source of information on the new billing system, as well as many other issues relevant to those considering installing a photovoltaic system. The guide book also includes information on the possibilities for subsidizing this type of investment, including the principles of the functioning of the „My Current 4.0” or „Clean Air” program. The guide book is a source of knowledge, thanks to which customers can convince themselves that investing in renewable energy sources, including photovoltaics, is not only profitable, but also ecological. |
Wide-ranging on-line campaign |
Press campaign | |
Promotion of the publication in trade, national (on-line and press) and local (radio) media | |
Promotion in the social media | |
Close to 6 thousand downloads of the guide book | |
Educational walks in the forest with TAURON and Lasy Państwowe (State Forests) TAURON, in cooperation with the State Forests, organized the „Forest Workshops” series, which included two events in 2022:
During the „Educational Walk for Children,” a State Forests’ forester guided the participants along a scenic nature and forestry path and conducted a lecture on the forest plants and animals. Among other things, the children were listening to stories about how young forest seedlings are planted and protected from damage, what animals live in the Polish forests, how to identify their tracks and how the State Forests’ employees take care of them. An art competition as well as games and activities for the children were organized during the tour. The event „With a dog in the forest” was led by a forester, who was giving a lecture on the characteristics of the Polish forests, forest animals and plants, as well as adequate behavior in the forest with dogs. The tour was attended by a variety of dogs – of different breeds, sizes and colors. The role of the forests and their planting was emphasized during both events. The performance of the project was associated with the addition of the Prąd EKO+LAS (ecology + forest electricity) service to TAURON’s offering. Thanks to this service, every customer can join the planting of the Polish forests. |
Communication in the social media |
Mailings to TAURON’s customers, several dozens of the events’ participants | |
Informational materials aimed at promoting energy conservation, including the guidebook „On Saving Every Day”
In view of the market situation and the rising energy prices, the protection against which is provided by the Solidarity Shield solutions, TAURON has launched activities aimed at educating the customers about the importance of saving energy. Reducing electricity consumption is a real benefit for the household budget. A household’s demand for electricity can drop by up to a dozen or so percent just by changing its usage habits. In order to make the customers aware of the importance of such changes, a guidebook „On Saving Every Day” has been prepared, as well as a series of advice articles that are periodically published on the blog lepiej.tauron.pl. |
Materials published on the blog lepiej.tauron.pl |
Promotion in the social media | |
Close to 5 thousand viewings of the educational materials on the blog lepiej.tauron.pl | |
”Bezpieczniki TAURONA” (TAURON Fuses) series educational programs for customers:
Customer education in such areas as safe, conscious and rational use of electricity, first aid, especially after an electric shock, security of electricity supply, environment protection, tree planting distances from the power lines. The campaign is carried out in the media (online, television, radio, press, social media), in the direct communications with the local governments, schools, regional education authorities (boards of education), chambers of commerce, as well as during events. Customer education covered such topics as: electro-waste and energy labels, safe lighting for holidays, tree planting near the power lines and caring for the trees already planted, safety of the works, including the agricultural works, performed near the power lines, first aid in case of an electric shock. |
50 000 users of the educational materials on the educational portal for the children |
Promotion on the industry and local portals | |
Promotion in the social media | |
Close to 3 million internet users watched our educational videos | |
Close to 100 000 viewings of the educational video „Can you mow the grass after the rain” and „Don’t plant a tree where the electricity is running”. | |
A series of online guides for the customers on the topics of most interest thereto
The guides are related to:
The guides are available on the company’s website. |
Paid online campaign |
The guides have been downloaded more than 115 000 times | |
Promotion of the publications on the industry websites | |
Brochure for the micro-installation owners
A brochure for the micro-installation owners has been published on the website tauron-dystrybucja.pl. The informational and educational material is dedicated to the users and those planning to erect a power generation installation. It provides advice on how to connect the micro-installation, answers to the most common customer questions related to its use, including the inverter shutdowns. The brochure has been written based on a standard of simple language in accordance with TAURON Speaks TAURON Speaks the Way Humans Do (TAURON Mówi po Ludzku) principles. It also displays a user friendly form (iconography, bolding, bullets). |
Number of submitted electronic forms from the customers for 2022 – nearly 187 thousand |
”Bocian nasz” (Our Stork) program
More than 2 200 stork nests are located on TAURON Dystrybucja’s power poles. Power engineers take care of them, especially in winter, when the birds are not in Poland, and the care and cleaning actions can be performed on the nests. The scope of the works corresponds closely to the life cycle of the birds and the need to ensure the safe operation of the power grid. The campaign is aimed at ensuring the safety of the customers, a failure free electricity supply and the safety of the storks that build their nests on the power poles. An information campaign addressed to the customers draws their attention to the safety of animals that cannot be guaranteed without the safety of our customers. The program is also designed to draw the customers’ attention to the aspects related to the environment protection. |
Cooperation with the local governments |
Expert support from the Regional Directorates for Environment Protection | |
More than 2 200 stork nests are located on the power poles | |
Information campaign in the media, including in the social media |
Information campaigns | Activities conducted as part of the campaign |
Ebook The first contract with TAURON
The e-book was developed as one of the initiatives implemented as part of the „TAURON Without Barriers” project and provides a guide that leads the user through the process of concluding the first contract with TAURON. Each item in the table of contents is at the same time a link/hyperlink, taking the user to the relevant chapter that applies to the given consumer. In each chapter the consumer finds information on what he or she needs to prepare (documents) and what to do to sign the contract. In case any forms are required, the consumer can immediately download the necessary form, because hyperlinks are embedded in the text. The consumer will also find the current offering at the end. The e-book is designed to be used by the blind and visually impaired people using the text readers, vocalizers and other tools (devices and software) that facilitate reading. It meets the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) standards. The Widzialni Foundation worked on adapting the e-book to the WCAG standard. This is the foundation that promotes the www services accessibility. |
Promotion on the industry and local portals, as well as in the local press (Polska Press dailies) and the coverage in TVP Katowice |
Promotion in the social media, indirectly, through the promotion of the „Without Barriers” program conducted by TPE | |
E-book placed in the e-book library on the blog better.Tauron.pl | |
Unique alias Tauron.pl/przewodnik (providing a link to a section on the blog Lepiej (Better) | |
LEPIEJ (BETTER) service. lepiej.tauron.pl
The overarching goal of the service is to seek better solutions that will translate into a higher quality of life for each reader. The content available on the website explains, in an easy and straightforward manner, the benefits of the solutions available as part of TAURON’s offering as well as on the market of the energy products. In addition, tips on how to be safe online, how to spend free time, pieces of advice related to family life or self-development are available. The service was prepared in accordance with the principles of digital accessibility. Launched in May 2021, it is continuously supplemented with the valuable content. The solutions aimed at bringing it up to the WCAG standards were implemented on the platform in 2022. In 2022, the blog better.tauron.pl was used in the implementation of the educational campaigns – including, among others, a campaign related to the online safety, to saving electricity or the benefits of replacing the heating system with the more environmentally friendly solution. The platform is a place to promote content on the broadly understood ecology, including, among other things, the promotion of the renewable energy sources, electric vehicles or the modern heating methods. |
Promotion of the content in the social media |
Mentions and redirects to the service in the media materials | |
More than 690 thousand viewings of the Lepiej (Better) service | |
More than 470 000 users | |
More than 7.5 million viewings of the blog articles in the search engines | |
TAURON without barriers program websites tauron.pl/bezbarier
The program’s homepage and its subpages have been updated visually, functionally and in terms of the content. The sites are fully responsive and comply with the UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface) principles, as well as with the WCAG 2.1 standard. The goal of the campaign is to generate interest among the consumers and make them familiar with the solutions TAURON is offering, as well as to build a positive image of the company as a friendly brand that responds to the needs of people with disabilities. Thanks to it, TAURON Group’s customers can find out what benefits (facilities) are available to them when using the company’s services. The redesign of the websites took place in the fourth quarter of 2022. |
Compliance with the WCAG 2.1 standard |
Meeting the principles of perceivability, functionality, comprehensibility and robustness | |
Educational campaign “Don’t get caught by the hook in the online ocean”
The goal of the campaign ” Don’t get caught by the hook in the online ocean” was to make Internet users aware of the dangers of the Internet, how to recognize fraud attempts and how to act if they suspect they have fallen victim to cybercriminals. The campaign placed particular emphasis on an increasingly common method used by criminals to impersonate well-known companies or institutions, known as phishing. It was aimed primarily at the 55+ users, who are most vulnerable to cyber attacks. A website tauron.pl/bezpieczeństwo, was created for the purpose of running the campaign, as well as a series of educational materials: articles, a guide book and infographics. At the end of the campaign, users were invited to participate in a Knowledge Quiz to test their level of knowledge with respect to recognizing the activities of fraudsters and how to prevent them. |
Nearly 200 000 unique viewings of the tauron.pl/safety website and the blog articles |
More than 8 200 downloads of the guide book | |
Activities conducted in the offline and online channels: radio, work, Internet | |
Positively about disability
A communication campaign aimed at breaking the stereotypes of social exclusion and building awareness of this problem, which affects both people with disabilities as well as seniors. The campaign was implemented as part of the TAURON without barriers program, which includes activities aimed at improving the products and services accessibility. Activities were implemented through Facebook and Instagram channels. Press publications were also prepared to describe the activities carried out as part of the TAURON without barriers program. |
Campaign in the social media. More than 37 000 recipients of the post |
Educational videos with facilities for children with disabilities: sign language, audio description and subtitles for the deaf
As part of the educational program for children „TAURON’s Fuses. Turn on for the good of the child” all of the videos were additionally prepared in versions for people with disabilities – there are a total of 22 videos in each category. The videos, in addition to the educational platform for the program’s participants, are also available to everyone on TAURONTv channel on YouTube. |
Communication with the regional education authorities (regional boards of education) |
Promotion of the publication in the trade, national media (online and press) and local media (radio) | |
Promotion in the social media |

Customer service through the highest quality sales and service channels
Senior citizens, pregnant women, persons with young children and people with disabilities are treated as persons that require special attention and are served on a priority basis in TAURON Group’s stationary contact channel.
In 2022, at the Customer Service Centers (Punkt Obsługi Klienta – POK), the people with disabilities and special needs were provided with the following aids:
- vulnerable customers were offered priority service,
- signage related to the people with special needs displayed in the Customer Service Centers (POKs) and in the vicinity thereof was standardized,
- a hearing assistance system (the so-called induction loop) was implemented at the customer service desks in 22 Customer Service Centers (POKs) – the personnel was trained in the use thereof. The loops will be installed in the remaining Customer Service Centers (POKs) by the end of Q1 2023,
- customer service centers were equipped with the magnifying sheets and signature frames,
- service scenarios were adapted, taking into account the guidelines on how to properly serve customers with disabilities, pregnant women, parents with children and senior citizens,
- an audit of the evacuation procedures, taking into account people with disabilities, was carried out, and the evacuation coordinators were trained (including with respect to first aid),
- in-house accessibility coordinators, who are responsible for architectural as well as communication and information accessibility were appointed and trained.
For the senior citizens and the people with disabilities:
- service was provided in a dedicated queue for senior citizens,
- customer can make choices in the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system by voice or tone (Dual Tone Multi Frequency – DTMF),
- a comprehensive (multi-skill) sales service system is in place on the sales hotline in order to eliminate internal redirections. If the customer does not select the appropriate item on the keypad then he/she will be connected to the consultant (agent), he/she will not be disconnected.
Additional facilities were also introduced in the telephone contact channel for all customers:
- further IVR system’s simplifications were implemented, enabling, among other things, to remind the customer the topic regarding which he made his/her last contact,
- additional functionalities were launched to improve customer service, among others the customer can enter his/her personal details before getting connected with the hotline consultant (agent).
For the senior citizens and the people with disabilities:
- a project was launched to bring the pl and tauron-dystrybucja.pl websites, as well as the My TAURON (Mój TAURON) self-service service and chat as well as the online interactive forms to the WCAG 2.1 standards. AA,
- tpl/bezbarier subpage, which presents all of the aids introduced for people with hearing, visual and movement disabilities as well as for the senior citizens, was updated,
- a mailing standard in a form that is accessible to screen readers, where content is designed using text rather than graphics, was implemented,
- system of assistance with concluding a contract via chat was implemented,
- digital availability of electronic invoices was verified,
- service for the customers with eLicznik remote readout meters was modified in order to make it more clear (legible) for the visually impaired persons.
For all of the customers in the online channel:
- a failure search engine was implemented in order to more precisely locate the customer on tauron-dystrybucja.pl,
- response time via the e-mail channel for selected cases was shortened,
- tools were implemented in the My TAURON (Mój TAURON) service in order to give the customer access to an overview of the archived invoices and historical payments, forms were implemented that allow, among other things, for updating of the data, spreading payments into installments, postponing of the payment deadline, changing the contracted capacity (power) or changing the forecast charges. A view for prosumers was also created,
- additional access paths for ordering a duplicate contract were implemented, and the form for changing the connection capacity (power) was simplified,
- information related to the Anti-inflation and Solidarity Shield was published.
Actions taken and results achieved
Customer Experience Management at TAURON Group - Customer Satisfaction Index
Customer experience is understood by TAURON Group as the sum of interactions with the customer, not only during customer service, but also at all other points of contact (interaction) with the company. Experience research has been carried out since 2019 in the areas where the customer most often meets (faces) the company, i.e. in the process of handling grid connections, contracts, settlements, debt collection and when filing a complaint. The survey is conducted every month through online surveys and in-depth research in the form of interviews conducted quarterly via a hotline.
TAURON Group surveys customers who have been through the process and collects information on their level of loyalty (Net Promoter Score - NPS) and examines how much effort the customer has put into the handling of their case (Customer Effort Score - CES).
The below table presents the results of the loyalty (NPS) survey among TAURON Group’s household customers in 2020 – 2022. As part of the survey the customers are asked what improvements and changes TAURON Group should introduce to meet their expectations. The area of complaints was covered later in the survey, which is why the data is presented for the period 08.2020 – 12.2022.
NPS – results with respect to grid connections | ||||
Survey | Channel/year | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
POK | 64 | 63 | 55 | |
Hotline | 26 | 4 | 0 | |
On-line (mail) | -4 | -14 | 2 | |
NPS – results with respect to contracts | ||||
Survey | Channel/year | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
POK | 71 | 66 | 63 | |
Hotline | 37 | 30 | 20 | |
On-line (mail) | 27 | 3 | -5 | |
NPS – results with respect to billing and payments | ||||
Survey | Channel/year | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
POK | 67 | 47 | 42 | |
Hotline | 48 | 38 | 31 | |
On-line (mail) | 29 | -3 | 7 | |
NPS – results with respect to complaints | ||||
Survey | Channel/year | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
POK | 10 | -17 | -17 | |
Hotline | -18 | -27 | -38 | |
On-line (mail) | -33 | -50 | -40 | |
NPS – results with respect to debt collection | ||||
Survey | Channel/year | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
Hotline | 26 | 21 | 37 | |
On-line (mail) | -10 | 6 | 0 |
The below table presents the results of the customer effort (CES) survey among TAURON Group’s household customers in 2020-2022. The area of complaints was covered later in the survey, which is why the data is presented for the period 08.2020-12.2022.
CES – results with respect to grid connections | ||||
Survey | Channel/year | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
POK | 45 | 47 | 41 | |
Hotline | 7 | -11 | -24 | |
On-line (mail) | -20 | -37 | -30 | |
CES – results with respect to contracts | ||||
Survey | Channel/year | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
POK | 55 | 50 | 47 | |
Hotline | 21 | 15 | 4 | |
On-line (mail) | 9 | -16 | -32 | |
CES – results with respect to billing | ||||
Survey | Channel/year | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
POK | 51 | 37 | 35 | |
Hotline | 34 | 28 | 15 | |
On-line (mail) | 13 | -15 | -14 | |
CES – results with respect to complaints | ||||
Survey | Channel/year | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
POK | 0 | -26 | -11 | |
Hotline | -30 | -35 | -39 | |
On-line (mail) | -46 | -59 | -49 | |
CES – results with respect to debt collection | ||||
Survey | Channel/year | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
Hotline | 11 | 4 | -14 | |
On-line (mail) | 18 | -33 | -7 |
TAURON without barriers
TAURON without barriers is a comprehensive program aimed at removing the communication, architectural and digital barriers as well as improving accessibility for both the employees as well as the customers. It is a joint initiative of TAURON Group’s subsidiaries, as part of which solutions dedicated to people with disabilities, senior citizens, the sick or the socially or digitally excluded are being implemented.
The tasks covered by the program include not only the elimination of barriers, but also the streamlining of the customer service processes so as to make it friendly and accessible to everyone.
The information on the implemented facilities (aids), targeted at both the people with disabilities as well as the senior citizens, is provided on the tauron.pl/bezbarier website. A spot showcasing selected facilities (aids) was prepared. The communication activities aimed at building awareness of the topic of accessibility, among both the customers as well as the employees, were also conducted in 2022. Among others, the „Positively about Disability” campaign or accessibility knowledge quizzes were held in 2022.
One of the latest solutions include customer service desks equipped with the induction loops. Ultimately, these solutions for the deaf and hard of hearing are to be introduced at all the locations. The activities undertaken also include the training of the consultants serving customers at the customer service centers and via the hotlines (at the call centers) or the compiling of the „First agreement (contract) with TAURON” guidebook, which is adapted to enable its use by the blind people, in accordance with the WCAG standards. The customers can also watch videos with the Polish sign language translation to help them use the My TAURON (Mój TAURON) service.
Among the activities carried out as part of the TAURON without barriers program, a webinar entitled „Athletes without barriers! How to succeed despite barriers”. The goal of the activity was to build awareness of the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in everyday life and sports activities. The initiative provided an opportunity to meet with the Special Olympics athletes: Rafał Mróz and Małgorzata Basicka, as well as with coach Dariusz Stachura and the director of Special Olympics Poland, Ms. Joanna Styczeń-Lasocka.

TAURON speaks the way humans do
The initiative that involves simplifying the formal and legal documents, messages and letters addressed to the customers. To date, it has been possible to:
- simplify nearly 700 documents and 1 000 messages,
- train 15 trainers and 60 plain language consultants,
- appoint coordinators of the initiative at the subsidiaries who look after the development of TAURON Speaks the Way Humans Do (TAURON mówi po ludzku – TMPL) project,
- launch a sub-page at pl/tmpl, showing the effects of the activities to date,
- introduce Stylobuk, i.e. a set of rules for the use of the simple language that apply at TAURON,
- introduce the prerequisite to agree all of the new documents, messages, marketing materials, before sending them out to customers or publishing them, with the plain language consultants.
The above activities are conducive to the development of the processes of providing reliable and comprehensible information on the products and services offered.
As a result, in 2022, similar as in the previous years (2019-2021), no cases of the non-compliance of the products and services with respect to the information and labeling thereof, as well as no cases of the non-compliance relate to the marketing communications were reported in entire TAURON Group.
In accordance with the principles stemming from the PRO Client Social Policy, the marketing message sent by TAURON Group is not only in line with the law, but also with good practices. The above is illustrated in tables below.
Number of cases of non- compliance with | TAURON Dystrybucja |
TAURON Sprzedaż |
TAURON Ciepło | TAURON Nowe Technologie |
Kopalnia Wapienia „Czatkowice” | Bioeko Grupa TAURON | Total number of cases |
Regulations – resulting in a fine or penalty | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Regulations – resulting in a warning | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Internal codes of conduct | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Number of cases of non- compliance with | TAURON Dystrybucja |
TAURON Sprzedaż |
TAURON Ciepło | TAURON Nowe Technologie |
Kopalnia Wapienia „Czatkowice” | Bioeko Grupa TAURON | Total number of cases |
Regulations – resulting in a fine or penalty | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Regulations – resulting in a warning | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Internal codes of conduct | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Anti-Inflation Shield
The Government Anti-Inflation Shield, regulated by the Act of January 13, 2022, on the Amendments to the Act and Value Added Tax (Journal of Laws, item 196), applied to all of the customers who were parties to the comprehensive (covering distribution and supply) and standalone supply contracts for electricity and gas. It introduced a number of changes with respect to the VAT and excise taxes in 2022.
In addition, the Anti-Inflation Shield imposed on the Supplier the requirement to implement a support program for the vulnerable customers and those covered by the long term home care – aimed at providing the support for the requests and inquiries regarding the deferral of payment, spreading of the payments into installments and the non-stopping of electricity supply within the time limits indicated by the act. Customers were sent:
- more than 4 million letters independent of the invoices,
- more than 10 million invoice inserts,
- more than 3.5 million e-mail messages.

RES amendment. New billing model for the Prosumers
There were legal changes in 2022, regarding a new billing model for the prosumers with changes introduced to the billing algorithms and the way the metering data is reported for the prosumers. These changes became effective as of April 1, 2022.
Implementing the provisions of the act, TAURON Group introduced the following changes in the services for the prosumers:
- changes were made to the content of contracts,
- a prosumer deposit was launched,
- assumptions for the system changes were prepared,
- the invoice template was adjusted (departure from the meter readings),
- cross-zone commercial balancing was launched.
Government Solidarity Shield
The Government Solidarity Shield was introduced in 2022. A consequence of the new regulations coming into force was the requirement for the customers to submit an adequate statement in order to take advantage of the profits stemming from the provisions of the acts. In connection with this, TAURON Group introduced new solutions in the IT systems and the necessary changes with respect to the customer service.
TAURON Group kept the customers informed about the statutory solutions on an ongoing basis. The press releases were prepared for the media providing wide coverage. 1.35 million post impressions were achieved on the Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin channels.
In addition, TAURON Group:
- conducted a special outreach information campaign addressed to the customers, on the price lists that offer price guarantees – the customers were encouraged to change their price list so that they could benefit from the Solidarity Shield solutions in 2023. The customers received letters with the information on the contact channels that they could use to change their contracts free of charge,
- prepared an e-book guide book for the individual and the institutional customers: „On How to Save Every Day.”
- used the lepiej.tauron.pl blog to provide support for the service with respect to implementing the Solidarity Shield.
Customer contacts when the peak statement submissions level was reached, i.e. on 28/11/2022, went up by 400% at the POKs and by 500% via the Hotline.
Under the Act related to the freezing of the prices until the end of 2022, TAURON Group received 151 000 statements to be processed. Almost 17 000 statements were received via ePUAP. On the other hand, 153 000 statements were received under the Act related to the maximum price level (cap).