Recruitment Principles

TAURON Group’s Recruitment Principles define the assumptions regarding the selection of employees, understood as all actions taken to fill the vacancy: from the moment of defining the staffing needs until the moment of completing the adaptation of a newly recruited employee. 1 940 employees were hired by TAURON Group in 2022. The detailed data on TAURON Group’s employment structure is provided in section TAURON Group’s Human Capital Management Policy
Due diligence procedures and internal regulations
Due diligence procedures employed under the Policy include, first of all, the following structured forms of recruitment:
- internal recruitment within a subsidiary (actions aimed at finding job candidates, to fill the vacancies, from among the personnel of the given TAURON Group’s subsidiary, recommendations (referrals) by employees of other employees as potential candidates, an e-mail message to all employees),
- internal recruitment within TAURON Group (actions aimed at finding job candidates, to fill the vacancies, from among the personnel of other TAURON Group’s subsidiaries, classified ads (notices) in the Group’s intranet, recommendations (referrals) by employees of other employees as potential candidates, employees with a development potential),
- external recruitment (actions aimed at finding job candidates by posting job advertisements on the external market (outside TAURON Group), classified ads in the press, online, at universities, recommendations (referrals) by employees of persons from outside TAURON Group’s subsidiaries as potential candidates, recruitment agencies).
Priority is given to internal recruitment at TAURON Group, which creates opportunities for promotion or taking an equivalent position in another business unit, and creates natural career paths and encourages employees to further their improvement and development.
Every employee selection process requires an individual approach, depending on the specifics of the given position. The selection of the given recruitment method is preceded by the examination of the internal or external labor market, as well as the analysis of the budget allocated to the given specific recruitment process.
In order to achieve the best recruitment results with the most optimal cost approach possible, the selection of employees at TAURON Group is based on the following assumptions and principles:
- selecting employees based on the long term employment and staff development plans, taking into account planned personnel changes (promotions, transfers, layoffs, etc.),
- integration with TAURON Group’s Human Resources Management Policy in place,
- focus on creating choice opportunities (options) through searching for at least several candidates for one job position to be filled,
- standardization of the criteria used in the selection of employees for specific positions and the application of methods, principles and procedures allowing for an objective comparison of individual candidates within a single recruitment process,
- reliability (integrity), impartiality and professionalism applicable to all participants in the selection process without any exceptions;
- every time maintaining high standards of contact and communication with the candidates (specific rules, among other with respect to inviting the candidates for interviews, forms and scope of providing feedback),
- maintaining standards related to the use of the selection tools,
- ethical behavior towards the candidates, including, for example, meeting deadlines, providing information on the results of the recruitment process,
- ensuring the confidentiality of the recruitment process for the candidates at all the stages thereof.
TAURON Group’s recruitment processes and the implementation and adaptation of new employees were carried out in a hybrid manner in 2022, depending on the business needs of the managers and the candidates involved in the given recruitment process. Each process was carried out with the highest standards in place and with the use of modern technologies.
Actions taken and results achieved
TAURON Group uses the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). This indispensable tool serves to comprehensively support the recruitment process, staring from candidate sourcing, data processing, through the communication with candidates and close cooperation between the manager and the recruiter. In addition, periodic meetings of the recruitment process experts were held in 2022. Trends in the labor market, recruitment challenges and TAURON Group’s plans for 2023, improvements in ATS, or programs to support the process were discussed during the meetings.
Employee onboarding process
A culture of knowledge sharing is being built at the TAURON Group, not only as part of the training provided by the employees, but also as part of the employee induction process known as onboarding. Cyclical meetings with new employees conducted by experts in the given areas are aimed at introducing the employee to the most relevant topics, such as TAURON Group’s strategy, information protection, compliance or development and training opportunities. In addition to the meetings with the experts, a new employee zone is also available on the intranet, where employees can find all the most important information needed for the efficient induction (onboarding). As part of the applicable employee induction (onboarding) process, the manager (the direct superior), together with a designated mentor, prepare an employee induction (onboarding) plan (adaptation card) and is responsible for its implementation.
The employee onboarding process planned in this way contributes to promoting anti-discrimination and respect for human rights.
In order to adapt to changes taking place in the labor market, a number of initiatives are being undertaken at TAURON Group to strengthen its image as a good and desirable employer.
Job (Career) Fairs
A permanent element of TAURON Group’s promotional activities conducted in the academic environment is the participation in the Job (Career) Fairs, organized by universities and other entities. This form of the employer branding activities provides an opportunity to conduct an initial interview with the potential candidates, as well as to promote the organizational culture, attitudes and values that the Group is guided by.
Employee Referral Program
The Employee Referral Program was continued by TAURON Group in 2022. This is an additional recruitment activity that allows for reaching more candidates through the involvement of the Group’s employees in the search process. The goal of the program is to acquire candidates with the required potential, i.e. with the desired professional qualifications and competences, based on the referrals of the people who are already employed by the organization. The document regulating the implementation of the activities in this area are the Rules for making employee referrals as part of TAURON Group’s recruitment process. The main benefits stemming from implementing the Program include, among others, the optimization of the recruitment costs, shortening of the recruitment’s duration, as well as the strengthening of the involvement of the Group’s employees and of the awareness of their impact on shaping the human resources at TAURON Group. This year, we have managed to completely digitize the Program by implementing it as an additional module in the new recruitment system.
Cooperation with the universities (colleges)
Student and graduate internships and apprenticeships are carried out at TAURON on a continuous basis. 8 student internships were carried out as part of the University of Silesia’s „One University – Many Opportunities” project and the Silesian University of Technology’s „Silesian University of Technology as a Modern European Technical University” project in 2022. Of the 44 students who acquired new practical competencies in the form of internships and apprenticeships, 7 were employed by TAURON Group.
TAURON was included in the Data Base of Good Internship Providers in 2022. The data base was created as part of the project „Practice Makes Perfect. Student job internships in the face of legal, social and economic changes,” implemented by the University of Silesia.
Cooperation with the education sector
The cooperation of TAURON Group with the education sector focuses primarily on the process of the practical (hands-on) training of future professionals. The projects undertaken with schools, universities (TAURON Group cooperates with 12 partner universities and 18 schools) or local government units are also aimed at promoting TAURON Group and the energy industry among pupils, students and graduates. As part of the cooperation with the educational community the internship and apprenticeship programs were organized, cooperation with student organizations, career offices and research clubs was undertaken, numerous lectures and profession teaching lessons were organized in 2022.
In addition, TAURON Group is trying to have a real impact on the shape of the education activities and projects in in Poland, through active participation in many projects in the field of education, for example „Sectoral agreement for the development of the hydrogen economy in Poland”, Sector Qualifications Framework for Energy.
The educational offer dedicated to the energy industry is supported by TAURON Group through, among others:
- scholarships for the best students of patronage classes,
- modeling of the didactic processes, organization of training courses, educational meetings both for students of the school as well as for its teaching staff,
- participation of TAURON’s employees in conducting qualification exams,
- possibility for the students to participate in subject matter lectures/workshops conducted by TAURON’s employees,
- possibility of the students to participate in lectures/workshops aimed at developing students’ interpersonal skills,
- organizing practical classes as well as apprenticeships and internships in real working conditions,
- equipping laboratories with the equipment required to conduct experiments related to electricity
- Mentoring for female students – Magenta Meetings is a Mentoring Program to which the TAURON Dystrybucja Subsidiary invites female students of the electrical engineering and power engineering faculties. This year’s edition was attended by 11 female students of the AGH University of Science and Technology and the Cracow University of Technology, as well as 5 employees of TAURON Dystrybucja,
- continuation of the activities related to the dual education at the Complex of Energy and Service Schools in Łaziska Górne.
GrEnFin (Greening Energy Market and Finance) Project
TAURON took part in an international project entitled GrEnFin – Greening Energy Market and Finance in 2022, which was prepared by the University of Bologna. The project that was financed by the European Commission:
- supported the strategic directions of TAURON Group’s operations,
- responded to the business needs with respect to the training related to the competencies for the energy industry of tomorrow,
- complemented TAURON Group’s ongoing initiatives related to education.
The main goals of the project:
- scientific and academic units becoming familiar with business solutions and challenges for the energy industry with respect to the competence needs for the students and specialists in the field of renewable energy sources,
- preparing the future specialists in the energy sector in the context of the EU2030 climate targets,
- developing a master’s degree (graduate) program for the EU university students in the field of green energy and the finance related thereto,
- developing a training program in the field of RES for the professionals working actively in the energy sector.
The main tasks of the Project included conducting three summer schools in June, in 2020-2022. The other works carried out as part of the project were related to the preparation of the reports and the cooperation with the other members of the consortium. The result of the project is the development of a master’s degree (graduate) program in the field of green energy that can be implemented at all of the EU universities. The program is already implemented and has been running since October 2022 at two universities: University of Bologna and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet in Munich. The developed study program provides for the internships with international business partners across Europe. Among other things, it is envisaged that internships at TAURON will be provided for the students pursuing the study program developed as part of the GrEnFin project.
Implementation doctorate
TAURON Group launched a project to develop employee competences by initiating a number of three-party agreements with universities. As a consequence, 24 employees from the entire Group began doctoral (PhD) studies. The project assumes the use and expansion of knowledge, so that an employee reaching the next level of academic career could transfer the acquired experience and knowledge to the students, and at the same time satisfy the company’s identified needs. TAURON has signed agreements with the Silesian University of Technology, the AGH University of Science and Technology, the University of Economics in Cracow, the University of Silesia, the Jagiellonian University and the Warsaw School of Economics. The main assumptions of the program are to create a platform for the three-party cooperation of the universities, the company and the doctoral student, as well as to carry out research, the results of which will be used in solving the challenges facing the company. The doctorate theses will cover the research spectrum in the field of humanities, social sciences, exact and technical sciences. Six of TAURON Group’s subsidiaries are taking part in the project – TAURON Polska Energia, TAURON Dystrybucja, TAURON Wytwarzanie, Kopalnia Wapienia “Czatkowice”, TAURON Ekoenergia and TAURON Sprzedaż.