5. Going concern

Consolidated financial statements have been prepared with the assumption of continuation of activities by the Group companies as a going concern in the foreseeable future, i.e. in the period not shorter than one year following the balance sheet day. As at the date of approving consolidated financial statements no circumstances have been detected that could put the going concern operation of the Group at risk.
The Group identifies and actively manages liquidity risk, understood as the possibility of losing or limiting the capacity to settle current expenses. The Group has the full capacity to settle its liabilities as they become due and payable. As at the balance sheet day, the Group has financing available under concluded financing agreements, as described in note 56.2
Consolidated financial statements have been prepared with the assumption of continuation of activities by the Group companies as a going concern in the foreseeable future, i.e. in the period not shorter than one year following the balance sheet day. As at the date of approving consolidated financial statements no circumstances have been detected that could put the going concern operation of the Group at risk.
The Group identifies and actively manages liquidity risk, understood as the possibility of losing or limiting the capacity to settle current expenses. The Group has the full capacity to settle its liabilities as they become due and payable. As at the balance sheet day, the Group has financing available under concluded financing agreements, as described in note 63 to consolidated financial statements.