48. Liabilities due to acquisition of non-controlling shares

On 22 March 2022, the Company performed a timely repayment of the entire liability to Fundusz Inwestycji Infrastrukturalnych – Kapitałowy FIZAN (“PFR Fund”) for the acquisition of shares in the subsidiary, Nowe Jaworzno Grupa TAURON Sp. z o.o., in the amount of PLN 1 061 million.
The liability stemmed from the agreement concluded on 22 December 2021 between the Company and the PFR Fund, pursuant to which the Company acquired 176 000 shares in the subsidiary, Nowe Jaworzno Grupa TAURON Sp. z o.o. representing 13.71% of the total number of votes at the shareholders’ meeting of Nowe Jaworzno Grupa TAURON Sp. z o.o. for the amount of PLN 1 061 million. The transfer of title to the shares took place upon the conclusion of the agreement. Following the transaction, the Company held 100% of the votes at the general meeting of shareholders of Nowe Jaworzno Grupa TAURON Sp. z o.o.
Upon payment of the price, the shareholders’ agreement and the investment agreement concluded in 2018 between the Company, Nowe Jaworzno Grupa TAURON Sp. z o.o. and the PFR Fund, determining the terms and conditions of the PFR Fund capital investment in Nowe Jaworzno Grupa TAURON Sp. z o.o., was terminated.