45.1. Provision for the non-contractual use of real estate

The Group companies create provisions for all claims filed by owners of properties on which distribution networks and heat installations are located. As at 31 December 2022, the provision on this account amounted to PLN 75 million and was related to the segments:
- Generation – PLN 37 million;
- Distribution – PLN 34 million;
- Renewable energy sources – PLN 4 million.
In 2012, the third party applied to TAURON Ciepło S.A. (currently TAURON Ciepło Sp. z o.o.) demanding the settlement of the legal status of the transmission equipment located on its property. The company has questioned both the legitimacy of the claims and of the grounds for offsetting their amounts against the current liabilities to the company arising from heat supplies. Consequently, the company took legal action to enforce its current claims against the debtor. The amount of the potential claims of the aforementioned entity in respect of clarification of the legal status of the company transmission equipment will be reviewed in the course of the proceedings. With regard to the pending dispute, in light of the adopted accounting policy, a provision has been recognised for the estimated cost of the above claim. Bearing in mind the pending litigation, having regard to the provisions of IAS 37.92, the Group does not disclose all information regarding the above issue as required by IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets.