45. Other provisions


Other provisions comprise:

  • The provision for use of real estate without a contract
    The Group creates provisions for all claims filed by owners of real estate on which power or technology facilities, distribution systems and heat installations are located in amounts of probable cost of claims due to land owners until the end of the reporting period (including accrued interest, if it can be reliably estimated). The Group does not create provisions for potential claims of land owners with unregulated status which have not been lodged, including for transmission and land easement. Creation and reversal of the provision is charged to other operating revenue or other operating expenses and interest accrued is charged to financial income or financial expenses.
  • Provision for onerous contracts
    If the Group is a party to the contract pursuant to which unavoidable costs of fulfilling the contractual obligations exceed the expected contractual benefits, the present contractual obligation arising from the contract is recognised and measured the Group as a provision. The unavoidable costs arising from the contract comprise, at least, net costs of contract termination, corresponding to the costs of fulfilment of the contract or costs of any damages or penalties arising for the failure to fulfil it, whichever is lower. Contract fulfillment costs include both incremental contract fulfillment costs, e.g. labor and materials, as well as attribution of other costs that relate directly to contract performance (for example, attribution of depreciation to an item of property, plant and equipment used i.a. to fulfill the contract).The unavoidable costs of meeting the obligation shall be increased by the value of the interest due if it can be estimated reliably.
  • Other provisions relate to court cases, counterparty claims or other claims, potential penalties resulting from administrative proceedings carried out by the Energy Regulatory Office and the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection and tax settlements.


The Group estimates the amount of provisions created based on the assumptions, methodology and calculations appropriate for a given type of provisions, evaluating the probability of spending funds that incorporate economic benefits and determining the reliable level of funds necessary to perform the obligation. Provisions are created by the Group if the probability of spending funds that incorporate economic benefits is higher than 50%.

Year ended 31 December 2022 Year ended 31 December 2021
Provision for use of real estate without contract Provision for onerous contracts

Provision for counterparty claims, court dispute and other provisions

Provisions total

Provision for use of real estate without contract

Provision for onerous contracts

Provision for counterparty claims, court dispute and other provisions

Provisions total

Opening balance 74 416 163 653 77 85 228 390

Recognition/(reversal), net

2 1 158 (6) 1 154 385 (33) 352


(1) (1 374) (24) (1 399) (3) (54) (32) (89)

Reclassification to liabilities related to disposable assets

(7) (7)
Closing balance 75 200 126 401 74 416 163 653
Non-current 4 26 30 8 42 50
Current 75 196 100 371 74 408 121 603
Current portion of provisions for the costs of disassembly of fixed assets and land restoration and other provisions 16 16
Total 387 619

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