29. Shares and stocks in joint ventures

The Group’s joint contractual arrangements classified as joint ventures are accounted for using the equity method.
Using the equity method the initial value of the investment carried at cost is increased or reduced by a share in profits/losses and in other comprehensive income of the joint venture as from the acquisition date (recognised in profit or loss or in other comprehensive income of the Group, as appropriate). Payments due to sharing of profit generated by the joint venture reduce the carrying amount of the investment. When the Group’s share of losses of a joint venture equals or exceeds its interest in the joint venture, the Group ceases to recognise its share in further losses.
If the Group contributes or sells assets to the joint venture which retains such assets, the Group recognises only such part of the profit or loss which is attributable to shares of other investors in the joint venture, unless the contribution or sales of assets indicates a decline in the achievable net value of current assets or occurrence of the impairment. If the Group acquires assets from the joint venture, it does not recognise the part of profits attributable to it due to this transaction, until such assets are resold to an independent third party.
The Group defines the type of the joint arrangement it is a party to, depending on the rights and obligations of parties to such arrangement. Following an analysis of such rights and obligations, the Group assesses its joint control over joint arrangements and rights to their net assets. Consequently, shares in the TAMEH Holding Sp. z o.o. Capital Group and in Elektrociepłownia Stalowa Wola S.A. are classified as joint ventures.
Interests in joint ventures are tested for impairment whenever there is an indication that an impairment may occur or a previously recognised impairment loss is reversed.
As at 31 December 2022 |
As at 31 December 2021 |
Elektrociepłownia Stalowa Wola S.A. |
Total | Elektrociepłownia Stalowa Wola S.A. 1 |
Total | |
Non-current assets | 1 719 | 1 909 | 3 628 | 1 772 | 2 033 | 3 805 |
Current assets, including: | 512 | 1 982 | 2 494 | 571 | 1 428 | 1 999 |
cash and cash equivalents | 81 | 113 | 194 | 24 | 251 | 275 |
Non-current liabilities (-), including: | (2 015) | (543) | (2 558) | (1 866) | (672) | (2 538) |
debt | (2 010) | (408) | (2 418) | (1 797) | (577) | (2 374) |
Current liabilities (-), including: | (727) | (1 903) | (2 630) | (1 047) | (1 514) | (2 561) |
debt | (109) | (190) | (299) | (108) | (185) | (293) |
Total net assets | (511) | 1 445 | 934 | (570) | 1 275 | 705 |
Share in net assets (50%) | (256) | 723 | 467 | (285) | 638 | 353 |
Investment in joint ventures | − | 682 | 682 | − | 597 | 597 |
Sales revenue | 2 553 | 4 823 | 7 376 | 1 004 | 2 779 | 3 783 |
Net profit (loss), including: | 60 | 255 | 315 | 951 | 64 | 1 015 |
Depreciation | (65) | (201) | (266) | (32) | (194) | (226) |
Interest income | 1 | 8 | 9 | − | 3 | 3 |
Interest expenses | (154) | (61) | (215) | (105) | (21) | (126) |
Income tax | − | (59) | (59) | − | (14) | (14) |
Share in profit/(loss) of joint ventures | − | 128 | 128 | − | 32 | 32 |
2 The information presented relate to the TAMEH HOLDING Sp. z o.o. The value of the interest held in TAMEH HOLDING Sp. z o.o. differs from the value of net assets attributable to the Group, because the cost of shares in TAMEH HOLDING Sp. z o.o. was calculated taking into account the fair value of the share contributed to the joint venture by companies from the ArcelorMittal Group.
Elektrociepłownia Stalowa Wola S.A.
Elektrociepłownia Stalowa Wola S.A. is a special purpose vehicle established in 2010 at the initiative of TAURON Polska Energia S.A. and PGNiG S.A., through which the partners implemented an investment consisting in the construction of CCGT unit in Stalowa Wola with the gross electrical capacity of 450 MWe and the net heat capacity of 240 MWt. On 30 September 2020, Elektrociepłownia Stalowa Wola was commissioned.
TAURON Polska Energia S.A. has an indirect shareholding of 50% in the capital of the company and in the governing body, exercised through TAURON Inwestycje Sp. z o.o. Due to the fact that in 2015 the accumulated share of losses of the joint venture and the adjustment of transactions between the Group companies and the joint venture exceeded the value of the interest in the joint venture, the Company discontinued to recognise its share of any further losses of the joint venture.
In addition, the Company has receivables on account of loans granted to Elektrociepłownia Stalowa Wola S.A. in the carrying amount of PLN 206 million, as further discussed in Note 30 to consolidated financial statements.
Conclusion of a settlement between Abener Energia S.A. and Elektrociepłownia Stalowa Wola S.A.
On 31 December 2021 Elektrociepłownia Stalowa Wola S.A. (the contracting authority) (“ECSW”) and Abener Energia S.A. (general contractor) (“Abener”) signed a settlement agreement to define the terms and conditions under which ECSW and Abener will perform mutual settlements arising from any court and arbitration disputes pending between the parties and resulting from ECSW’s withdrawal from the contract concluded for the construction of a CCGT unit in Stalowa Wola. Pursuant to the settlement, ECSW paid to Abener the amount of EUR 93 million (based on the judgement of the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw of 25 April 2019 in the case brought by Abener against ECSW and other settlements), of which the amount of EUR 32 million was settled in the form of release of funds previously deposited in the escrow account due to the lawsuit won by ECSW in 2017 with the performance guarantor of the Abener contract. Upon the entry into force of the terms provided for in the settlement agreement, the Parties agree to discontinue all pending litigation and arbitration proceedings between them and acknowledge the absence of any further or future claims arising from the contract. The conditions of the settlement have been fulfilled, accordingly, all court and arbitration proceedings between ECSW and Abener were first suspended at the concerted request of the Parties, and subsequently, on 9 and 10 March 2022, the Parties filed motions to resume the suspended proceedings, to withdraw the actions and the cassation complaint and to discontinue all proceedings. Consequently, on 14 March 2022, the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce issued a decision to discontinue the proceedings in the action of Abener against ECSW and on 21 March 2022 – a decision to discontinue the proceedings in the action of ECSW against Abener. By the order of 2 June 2022, the Supreme Court discontinued the cassation proceedings relating to the cassation appeal filed by ECSW in 2020.
The contract concluded between ECSW and Abener does not contain any provisions obliging the Company to pay any form of the remuneration to Abener for ECSW.
TAMEH HOLDING Sp. z o.o. and subsidiaries
In 2014, a shareholders’ agreement was concluded between TAURON Group and ArcelorMittal Group in TAMEH HOLDING Sp. z o.o., which is responsible for investment and operational projects in the area of industrial energy. The Agreement was concluded for a period of 15 years, with a possibility of its extension. The two capital groups hold a 50% interest in TAMEH HOLDING Sp. z o.o. each.
TAMEH HOLDING Sp. z o.o. is the owner of 100% of the shares in TAMEH POLSKA Sp. z o.o., formed by a contribution in kind by the TAURON Group: Zakład Wytwarzania Nowa and Elektrownia Blachownia as well as Elektrociepłownia in Kraków contributed by the ArcelorMittal Group-. In addition, TAMEH HOLDING Sp. z o.o. holds 100% of TAMEH Czech s.r.o. shares, which consists of the Ostrava Combined Heat and Power Plant.
On 18 July 2022, the General Meeting of Shareholders of TAMEH HOLDING Sp. z o.o. decided to allocate the amount of PLN 69 million for the payment of dividends to shareholders. On 22 December 2022, the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of TAMEH HOLDING Sp. z o.o. decided to pay an additional dividend of PLN 45 million from retained earnings to shareholders. The Group’s share in the TAMEH HOLDING Sp. z o.o. joint venture was reduced by the value of the dividend attributable to the Group in the amount of PLN 57 million.