18. Other operating revenues and costs

Year ended 31 December 2022 Year ended 31 December 2021 (restated figures)
Result on the loss of control over Wsparcie Grupa TAURON Sp. z o.o. company 67
Other subsidies/ Income from settlement of subsidies and gratuitous receipt of fixed assets parallel to depreciation 38 35
Penalties, fines, compensations received or receivable 30 34
Result on the disposal of non-financial fixed assets and costs of damages to non-current assets (12) 20
Costs of court proceedings, fines and damages (10) (7)
Surplus of other provisions (recognized)/derecognized 1 9
Write-off for abandoned investments and production (2) (15)
Other operating income 32 40
Other operating expenses (58) (40)
Total 86 76

The result on the loss of control over the subsidiary, Wsparcie Grupa TAURON Sp. z o.o. in the amount of PLN 67 million is related to the accession of TAURON Dystrybucja S.A. to the company Polski Holding Obronny Sp. z o.o. and the acquisition, for this purpose, of newly-established shares in the increased capital of the aforementioned company in exchange for a contribution in kind in the form of 100% of the shares in Wsparcie Grupa TAURON Sp. z o.o., which is described in more detail in Note 3 of consolidated financial statements. As a result of the transaction, the Group recognized the fair value of the shares in Polski Holding Obronny Sp. z o.o. acquired as a result of the above transaction at a level of PLN 80 million and ceased to recognize the net assets of Wsparcie Grupa TAURON Sp. z o.o. in the amount of PLN 13 million.



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