Changes to the principles of TAURON Polska Energia S.A. and TAURON Capital Group Management

Changes to the principles of the Company's management
In 2022 amendments were introduced to the Organizational Regulations that consisted in setting up of the Corporate Area, the tasks of which include formal corporate governance, process based management in TAURON Group, and development of internal and intra-corporate regulations in TAURON Group. In addition, the said amendments included unambiguous and precise division of task, competences, and responsibilities of individual Business Areas, independent work positions, and Teams reporting directly to members of the Management Board.
Organizational diagram of TAURON Polska Energia S.A.
The division of responsibilities of the Members of the Management Board of TAURON Polska Energia S. A.
Changes to the principles of TAURON Capital Group’s management
TAURON Group’s Business and Operational Model in place defines the management model of TAURON Capital Group, emphasizing the role of ESG as an increasingly important tool of communications with the environment (stakeholders) in order to provide flexibility, resilience and adaptation of TAURON Capital Group to the changes in the environment, in particular those stemming from climate change.
Over the course of 2022, the TAURON Group’s Business and Operational Model was updated twice, taking into account the Group’s changing needs and operating environment (conditions).