Supervisory Board

The current, sixth term of office of the Company’s Management Board began its run on July 15, 2020.
In accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association the common term of office shall last 3 financial years.
The Management Board of the Company held a total of 53 meetings and passed 501 resolutions during the period covered by this report.
The composition of the Company’s Supervisory Board as of December 31, 2022:
- Piotr Tutak – Chair of the Supervisory Board,
- Teresa Famulska – Vice Chair of the Supervisory Board,
- Marcin Wawrzyniak – Secretary of the Supervisory Board,
- Stanisław Borkowski – Member of the Supervisory Board,
- Dariusz Hryniów – Member of the Supervisory Board,
- Leszek Koziorowski – Member of the Supervisory Board,
- Ryszard Madziar – Member of the Supervisory Board,
- Grzegorz Peczkis – Member of the Supervisory Board.
The changes to the composition of the Supervisory Board of TAURON Polska Energia S.A. that took place in 2022, as well as the descriptions of the experience and competences of the Members of the Supervisory Board of TAURON Polska Energia S.A are described in detail in section 9.11 of the Report of the Management Board on the operations of TAURON Polska Energia S.A. and the operations of TAURON Capital Group for the financial year 2022.
The Supervisory Board of the Company shall act on the basis of the Code of Commercial Companies and other legal regulations, the provisions of the Company’s Articles of Association and the provisions of the Regulations of the Supervisory Board of TAURON Polska Energia S.A. with its registered office in Katowice which are available on the Company’s website at the address: When performing their duties the Members of the Company’s Supervisory Board shall be acting in accordance with the principles provided in the Best Practice 2021.
Members of the Supervisory Board of the Company, when performing the functions and duties assigned, shall be guided in their conduct, including in making decisions, by independence of their own opinions and judgments, acting in the interest of the Company.
The Supervisory Board of the Company shall work by way of a debate, analyzing the situation of the Company and the Group against the background of the industry and the market on the basis of materials provided thereto by the Management Board of the Company, and the internal systems and functions of the Company, as well as obtained from outside, using the results of the works of its Committees.
The main form of the Supervisory Board performing the oversight of the Company’s operations shall be the meetings of the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board shall perform its obligations collectively. The meetings of the Company’s Supervisory Board shall be convened by the Chairperson of the Supervisory Board or the Vice Chairperson of the Supervisory Board by presenting a detailed agenda of the meeting:
- in accordance with the decisions taken by the Supervisory Board,
- of his/her own initiative,
- at a request of each Member of the Supervisory Board,
- at a request of the Management Board.
The meetings of the Supervisory Board shall be held at the Company’s registered office. In justified cases a meeting may be convened at a different venue.
In order to convene a meeting all Members of the Company’s Supervisory Board must be invited in writing at least 7 days before the date of the Supervisory Board’s meeting. For important reasons the Chairperson of the Supervisory Board may shorten this period to 2 days, defining the way the invitations should be distributed. Notifications of the Supervisory Board’s meeting shall be sent by electronic mail. In the notification of the meeting of the Company’s Supervisory Board the Chairperson shall define the date of the meeting, venue of the meeting and the detailed draft agenda. The Supervisory Board of the Company shall meet on as needed basis, however not less frequently than once every 2 months. The Supervisory Board may hold meetings without convening a formal meeting if all Members of the Supervisory Board are present and nobody objects against the fact of holding the meeting or against the agenda of the meeting.
A change of the proposed agenda of the meeting may occur when all Members of the Company’s Supervisory Board are present at the meeting and no one raises an objection against the changed agenda of the meeting. An issue not included in the agenda of the meeting should be included in the agenda of the next meeting.
Participation in a meeting of the Supervisory Board shall be a Supervisory Board Member’s duty. A Member of the Supervisory Board shall provide information on the reason for his/her absence in writing. Excusing an absence of a Member of the Supervisory Board shall require a resolution of the Company’s Supervisory Board. Members of the Company’s Management Board may take part in the Supervisory Board’s meetings unless the Supervisory Board raises an objection. Participation of the Members of the Company’s Management Board in the Supervisory Board’s meetings shall be mandatory if they have been invited by the person convening the meeting of the Supervisory Board. Other persons may also take part in the meetings if they have been invited in the above mentioned way.
The Supervisory Board may seek opinions of experts using the knowledge of the Company’s employees, including in particular, legal counsels who provide regular legal assistance for the Company.
The Supervisory Board may also appoint independent experts to obtain an opinion and make the adequate decision, as well as invite them to meetings of the Supervisory Board. In case a transaction of the Company with a related entity requires an approval of the Supervisory Board of the Company, before adopting a resolution on granting consent, the Supervisory Board assesses whether it is necessary to first seek an opinion of an external entity that will carry out the valuation of the transaction and analysis of its economic effects. If the conclusion of the transaction with a related entity requires the approval of the General Meeting, the Supervisory Board of the Company prepares an opinion on the legitimacy of concluding such a transaction and in such a case assesses the need for a prior seeking of an opinion of an external entity. In the cases referred to above, the Supervisory Board of the Company adopts a resolution to commission the selected expert to carry out the work, obliging the Management Board of the Company to conclude an applicable agreement.
The meetings of the Supervisory Board shall be chaired by the Chairperson of the Supervisory Board, and in case of his/her absence by the Vice Chairperson of the Supervisory Board. For important reasons, with the consent of the majority of the Members of the Supervisory Board present at the meeting, the person chairing the meeting shall be obligated to subject to a vote a motion to interrupt the meeting and set the date of resuming the meeting of the Company’s Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board shall make decisions in the form of resolutions. The Supervisory Board’s resolutions shall be passed mainly during the meetings thereof. The Supervisory Board shall pass resolutions if at least half of its members are present at the meeting and all of its members have been invited in the appropriate manner defined in the Regulations of the Supervisory Board. Subject to the mandatory legal regulations in force, including the Code of Commercial Companies and the provisions of the Company’s Articles of Association, the Supervisory Board shall pass resolutions by an absolute majority of votes, where the absolute majority of votes shall be understood as more votes cast “for” than “against” and “abstain”. Resolutions shall not be passed on matters not included in the agenda unless all Members of the Supervisory Board are present and nobody raises an objection. This shall not apply to the resolutions on excusing a Supervisory Board’s Member’s absence at the meeting. Resolutions shall be voted on in an open ballot. A secret ballot shall be ordered only in the cases stemming from the provisions of the law.
In accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association the Supervisory Board may pass resolutions in writing or using the means of direct remote communications. Passing a resolution in such a way shall require a prior notification of all Members of the Supervisory Board of the content of the draft resolution and the participation of at least half of the Members of the Supervisory Board in passing the resolution. The Company’s Supervisory Board may pass resolutions this way as long as no Member of the Company’s Supervisory Board raises an objection. When voting on a resolution in the above mentioned way a Member of the Company’s Supervisory Board shall indicate his/her vote, i.e. “for”, “against” or “abstain”. A resolution with a note that it has been passed in writing or by voting using the means of direct remote communications shall be signed by the Chairperson of the Supervisory Board. Resolutions passed this way shall be presented at the forthcoming meeting of the Supervisory Board along with the result of the voting.
Participation in a meeting of the Company’s Supervisory Board using the means of direct remote communications, i.e. a conference call or a video conference, shall be allowed. In case the Members of the Company’s Supervisory Board take part in a meeting of the Company’s Supervisory Board using the means of direct remote communications, the resolutions shall be passed if at least half of the Members of the Company’s Supervisory Board participate in the vote.
The Members of the Supervisory Board shall take part in the meetings and exercise their rights and responsibilities in person, and while performing their duties they shall be obliged to act with due diligence. The Members of the Supervisory Board shall be obliged to keep confidential information related to the Company’s activities that they have acquired in connection with holding their seat or on another occasion.
The Supervisory Board may, for important reasons, delegate its individual members to perform certain supervision (oversight) activities on their own for a defined period of time. The Supervisory Board may delegate its members, for a period not longer than three months, to temporarily perform the duties of the Members of the Management Board who have been dismissed, submitted their resignation or if for other reasons they cannot perform their functions. The above mentioned delegation shall require obtaining a consent of the Member of the Supervisory Board who is to be delegated.
The Company’s Supervisory Board may appoint from among its members permanent or temporary (ad hoc) working groups, committees to perform specific actions. The standing committees of the Company’s Supervisory Board shall be:
- Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board of TAURON Polska Energia S.A. (Audit Committee),
- Nominations and Compensation Committee of the Supervisory Board of TAURON Polska Energia S.A. (Nominations and Compensation Committee),
- Strategy Committee of the Supervisory Board of TAURON Polska Energia S.A. (Strategy Committee).
The composition, tasks and rules (procedures) of operation of the above mentioned committees shall be defined in the regulations thereof passed by the Supervisory Board.
The information on the composition of the committees of the Supervisory Board of TAURON Polska Energia S.A. and the changes thereof that took place in 2022, as well as the descriptions of their competences and activities are provided in section 9 of the Report of the Management Board on the operations of TAURON Polska Energia S.A. and the operations of TAURON Capital Group for the financial year 2022.
The Supervisory Board of the Company shall be composed of 5 to 9 persons, appointed for a common term of office lasting 3 full financial years, except for the first term that lasted 1 year. The term of office of a Member of the Supervisory Board shall expire, at the latest, on the date of the General Meeting which approves the financial statements for the last full financial year of the term of office of the Member of the Supervisory Board. In accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association members of the Company’s Supervisory Board shall be appointed and dismissed by the General Meeting (GM), subject to the following:
- during the time when the State Treasury, together with the State Treasury controlled entities within the meaning of § 10 clause 5 of Company’s Articles of Association, hold a number of the Company’s shares that entitle them to exercise at least 25% of the total votes in the Company, the State Treasury shall be entitled to appoint and dismiss Members of the Company’s Supervisory Board in the number equal to half of the maximum number of members of the Company’s Supervisory Board defined in the Company’s Articles of Association (in case such number is not integral it shall be rounded down to an integral number, for example 4.5 shall be rounded down to 4) and increased by 1, provided that the State Treasury:
- shall be obliged to vote at the General Meeting (GM) on establishing the number of Members of the Company’s Supervisory Board that would correspond to the maximum number of Members of the Company’s Supervisory Board defined in the Company’s Articles of Association in case such a motion is submitted to the Company’s Management Board by a shareholder or shareholders who hold a number of votes that entitle them to exercise at least 5% of the total number of votes in the Company,
- shall be excluded from the voting at the General Meeting (GM) on appointing and dismissing other members of the Company’s Supervisory Board, including independent members of the Company’s Supervisory Board; this shall not, however, apply to the case when the Company’s Supervisory Board cannot act due to its membership being smaller than required by the Company’s Articles of Association, and the shareholders present at the General Meeting (GM), other than the State Treasury, do not supplement the membership of the Company’s Supervisory Board in accordance with the distribution of seats in the Company’s Supervisory Board defined in this section,
- during the time when the State Treasury, together with the State Treasury controlled entities within the meaning of § 10 clause 5 of the Company’s Articles of Association, hold a number of the Company’s shares that entitle them to exercise less than 25% of the total number of votes in the Company, the State Treasury, represented by the minister competent to exercise the rights related to the State Treasury’s shares, shall be entitled to appoint and dismiss one member of the Company’s Supervisory Board,
- appointing and dismissing members of the Company’s Supervisory Board by the State Treasury pursuant to the above mentioned clause 1 or 2 shall take place by means of a statement submitted to the Company.
In accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company, at least two Members of the Supervisory Board of the Company should meet the independence criteria specified in the Act of May 11, 2017, on certified auditors, audit firms and public supervision, and should not have actual and significant connections with a shareholder holding at least 5% of the total number of votes in the Company.
Members of the Company’s Supervisory Board shall submit to the Company, prior to their appointment as members of the Supervisory Board, a written statement on compliance with the independence criteria mentioned in the above act as well as on the existence or non-existence of the actual and significant connections with a shareholder holding at least 5% of the total number of votes in the Company. In case a situation occurs where the independence criteria are not fulfilled, a Member of the Supervisory Board shall be obligated to inform the Company promptly thereof.
Information on the compliance by the Members of the Supervisory Board of TAURON Polska Energia S.A. with the independence criteria is posted on the Company’s website at:, and is presented in detail in section 9 of the Report of the Management Board on the operations of TAURON Polska Energia S.A. and TAURON Capital Group for the financial year 2022.
Policy of compensation for the Members of the Supervisory Board of TAURON Polska Energia S.A.
The compensation system for the Members of the Supervisory Board of TAURON Polska Energia S.A. is described in detail in the Report of the Management Board on the operations of TAURON Polska Energia S.A. and TAURON Capital Group for the financial year 2022, in chapter 11, Policy of Compensation for the Members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board.