Application of Corporate Governance in 2022

TAURON Polska Energia S.A. Company Management Principles

  • 2-9
  • 2-10
  • 2-11
  • 2-19

In accordance with the provisions of the Regulations of the Management Board of TAURON Polska Energia S.A. (Regulations of the Management Board), the Management Board shall conduct the affairs of the Company and represent it in all judicial and extra-judicial proceedings.

All of the issues connected with managing the Company, which are not restricted by the legal regulations and the provisions of the Articles of Association of TAURON Polska Energia S.A. (Company’s Articles of Association) to the competence of the General Meeting (GM) or the Supervisory Board shall be within the competence of the Company’s Management Board. Cooperation of two Members of the Management Board or one Member of the Management Board together with a proxy is required for making statements on behalf of the Company.

In accordance with the Organizational Regulations of TAURON Polska Energia S.A. (Organizational Regulations), the Company shall be managed directly by the Management Board of the Company, as well as through proxies (power of attorneys), Executive Directors or persons holding other positions reporting directly to the Members of the Company’s Management Board.

The Company shall carry out its tasks through:

  • separate organizational units (business units):
    • Business areas, comprising independent work positions and organizational units (business units) reporting directly to the Executive Directors. The work of the Executive Directors is managed (supervised) by the Members of the Company’s Management Board,
    • Teams, constituting organizational units (business units) reporting to the Members of the Management Board, Executive Directors or the Deputy Executive Directors. The activities of the Team are managed by the Team Leader (Manager),
  • independent (autonomous) work positions:
    • Executive Directors and the Deputy Executive Directors who manage and lead the work of the subordinate Teams or work positions constituting the given business area of the Company,
    • other independent (autonomous) work positions that may be entrusted to, in particular, Power of Attorneys (Proxies), Inspectors, Spokespersons,
  • temporary organizations – Project Teams set up with the goal to implement tasks and projects of the Company.

Applied set of corporate governance rules

In 2022 the Company was subject to the corporate governance rules, described in the Best Practice of the WSE (GPW) Listed Companies 2021 (Best Practice 2021), adopted by the Supervisory Board of the WSE (GPW) by way of the resolution no. 13/1834/2021 of March 29, 2021,, which came into force on July 1, 2021, and have been applied by the Company since that date.

The text of the Best Practice 2021 document is published on the WSE (GPW) website at the address:

Up to date Information on the application by the Company of the principles contained in the Best Practice 2021 document is posted on the Company’s website at the address:

Description of the manner in which the Company is applying the principles provided in the Best Practice 2021

The Company presents the below information on the rules applied by the Company that.

Section 1 of the Best Practice 2021 sets out the rules for ensuring the proper communications with the stakeholders and conducting a transparent and reliable information disclosure policy.

The Company uses various channels of communications with the capital market participants. All of the information required by the law is posted and updated on an ongoing basis on the Company’s website. The Company maintains ongoing contacts with the investors (institutional and individual) as well as the analysts from the brokerage houses and the investment banks. The Company communicates with them at the conferences organized following the publication of every interim report, individual meetings organized at the request of the investors and analysts, and the regularly organized chats for the retail investors. The contact details for the investors along with the available telephone numbers and e-mail addresses, as well as a contact form (rule 1.1.), are provided on the website

The Company prepares and publishes, on the Company’s website at the address:, the periodic (interim) reports containing the financial results as soon as possible following the end of the reporting period. In order to reduce the investors’ uncertainty with respect to the Company’s financial standing, the Company publishes the estimated financial results prior to the publication of the periodic (interim) reports (rule 1.2.).

the Company also incorporates the ESG subjects into its business strategy, including in particular:

  1. environmental issues, including the metrics and risks related to climate change and the sustainability issues,
  2. social and labor issues, including the measures, taken and planned, aimed at, among others, ensuring gender equality, sound working conditions, respect for the employees’ rights, dialogue with the local communities, customer relations.

The Group’s Strategy also covers the ESG subjects and it was described in current report no. 27/2022 of June 22, 2022. The detailed information on the adopted Strategii is provided in the presentation posted along with the current report on the Company’s website at the address: In addition, the most relevant information with respect to the Strategy was included in the 2021 Integrated Report published on the Company’s website at the address: (rule 1.3.).

In order to ensure proper communications with the stakeholders, with respect to the adopted business strategy, the Company posts, on the Company’s website at the addresses: and, the information on the assumptions of the strategy it has, measurable goals, including in particular the long term goals, planned activities and the progress in the implementation thereof, defined by the metrics, financial and non-financial. The information on strategy in the ESG area, among other things: explains how the climate change issues are taken into account in the decision making processes of the Company and those of its Group’s entities, indicating the risks involved with respect thereto (rule 1.4.).

The Company discloses the expenses incurred thereby and its Group to support culture, sports, charitable institutions, the media, social organizations, trade unions, etc. in the Report of the Management Board on the Operations of TAURON Polska Energia S.A. and  TAURON Capital Group in section 2.9. (rule 1.5.).

The Company holds conference calls for the investors, analysts and media representatives every time after the publication of the financial results. These conference calls are made available online in real time to all of the interested parties. During the earnings conference calls, the representatives of the Management Board of the Company present and comment on the financial results posted, the adopted strategy and the implementation thereof, as well as the most important events that have an impact on the operations of the Company and TAURON Capital Group, as well as the outlook for the future. During the meetings, the Management Board of the Company publicly provides explanations and gives answers to the questions asked (rule 1.6.).

Investors may submit their questions in writing, by phone, via e-mail or using the contact form available on the website inwestorow/formularz. The Company has adopted a Procedure for disclosing the information on the Company and the subsidiaries thereof for the purpose of the Investor Relations, along with an indication of the deadlines for completing the individual activities. The answers to the questions are provided immediately, and in the case of the issues that would require in-depth analyses / calculations, within 10 days (rule 1.7.).

Section 2 of the Best Practice 2021 sets out the rules with respect to the performance of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of their duties.

At least two members of the Supervisory Board shall meet the independence criteria listed in the Act of May 11, 2017, on certified auditors, audit firms and public oversight, and have no actual and material ties to a shareholder holding at least 5% of the total number of votes in the company (rule 2.3.).

The Company shall ensure that the voting of the Supervisory Board and the Management Board is public, unless otherwise provided for by the legal regulations (rule 2.4.).

The Rules of Procedure of the Company’s Supervisory Board and the Rules of Procedure of the Company’s Management Board shall provide for the voting Members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board to submit a dissenting opinion to the minutes (rule 2.5.).

Serving on the Company’s Management Board shall be the main area of the professional activity of the Members of Management Board, and the performance of functions by the Members of the Management Board on the corporate bodies of the entities outside of the Capital Group shall require an approval of the Supervisory Board (rule 2.6. and rule 2.7.). The Members of the Supervisory Board shall be able to devote the required amount of time to perform their duties (rule 2.8.)., the Chairperson of the Supervisory Board shall not manage the works of the Audit Committee (rule 2.9.)., and the administrative and financial resources shall be delegated in accordance with the Company’s size and the Company’s financial position to ensure the efficient functioning of the Supervisory Board (rule 2.10.).

Once a year, the Supervisory Board shall prepare and submit to the Ordinary General Meeting for approval an annual report that includes at least the information indicated in rule 2.11.

Section 3 of the Best Practice 2021 refers to the efficient operation of the Company’s internal systems and functions as the tools to be used for the oversight.

The Company shall maintain the following effective systems: internal control system, risk management system and compliance system, as well as an effective internal audit function, corresponding to the size of the Company and the type and scale of its operations (rule 3.1.). The Company shall have in place separate units responsible for the tasks of the individual systems or functions (rule 3.2.).

The Company has appointed an internal auditor who shall manage the internal audit function acting in accordance with generally recognized international standards of professional internal audit practice (rule 3.3.).

The compensation of the persons responsible for the risk management and compliance as well as that of the head of the internal audit shall depend on the performance of the assigned tasks and not on the Company’s short term results (rule 3.4.). The persons responsible for the risk management and compliance shall report directly to the President or another Member of the Management Board (rule 3.5.).

At least once a year, the person in charge of internal audit shall submit to the Supervisory Board an assessment of the effectiveness of the systems and functions referred to in rule 3.1, along with a corresponding report (rule 3.8.). The Audit Committee shall monitor the effectiveness of the following systems: internal control system, risk management system, compliance system, and the internal audit function, while the Supervisory Board shall perform an annual assessment of the effectiveness of the functioning of these systems and functions (rule 3.9.). By 2026, the Company is planning to perform an independent assessment of the internal audit function (rule 3.10.).

Section 4 of the Best Practice 2021 sets out the rules for holding the General Meetings and the other rules aimed at encouraging the shareholders to get involved in the Company’s affairs.

Pursuant to the Regulations of the General Meeting, the Company shall determine the place and date, as well as the form of the General Meeting in a manner that would enable the participation of as many shareholders as possible (rule 4.2.).

The Company shall provide a publicly available broadcast, in real time, of the General Meeting, and the representatives of the media shall be allowed to attend the General Meetings (rule 4.3. and rule 4.4.).

In case the General Meeting is convened by an entity or authority other than the Management Board pursuant to the provisions of the Code of Commercial Companies, the Management Board shall take all of the required steps to convene, organize and conduct the General Meeting (rule 4.5.).

The draft resolutions of the General Meeting related to the issues and decisions other than those of a procedural nature shall include a justification (statement of reason), unless it stems from the documentation presented to the General Meeting (rule 4.6.).

The Supervisory Board shall provide its opinion (feedback) on the draft resolutions to be put on the agenda of the General Meeting by the Management Board (rule 4.7.).

In accordance with the Regulations of the General Meeting the Shareholders should submit draft resolutions of the General Meeting on the issues put on the agenda of the General Meeting no later than 3 days prior to the General Meeting (rule 4.8.).

Pursuant to the Regulations of the General Meeting, the shareholders who intend to propose candidates for the members of the Supervisory Board should provide the Company with the justification of the candidates along with the professional CVs of the candidates and a complete set of materials related thereto, by the deadline that would enable the other shareholders to study them before the General Meeting is held and to make a decision on the appointment of a member of the Supervisory Board based on the adequate knowledge, but not later than 3 days prior to the General Meeting. The information received from the shareholders shall promptly be made available by the Company to the other shareholders in the manner specified in the announcement (notice) on the General Meeting for the provision of the documentation and the draft resolutions to be presented to the General Meeting. A shareholder proposing the candidates for the members of the Supervisory Board shall submit to the Company, along with the justification for the candidate, a statement of the candidate on the candidate’s compliance or non-compliance with the independence criteria specified in the Act of May 11, 2017 on certified auditors, audit firms and public oversight, as well as on the existence or non-existence of the actual and material ties between this candidate and a shareholder holding at least 5% of the total number of votes in the Company (rule 4.9.).

The Members of the Management Board and of the Supervisory Board shall participate in the sessions of the General Meeting in a group of its representatives that would enable them to provide substantive answers to the questions asked during the General Meeting. The Members of the Management Board and of the Supervisory Board as well as the certified auditor of the Company shall, within the limits of their competences and to the extent required to evaluate the matter included in the agenda of the General Meeting, provide the participants of the Meeting with the explanations and information regarding the Company. The Management Board shall present to the participants of the Ordinary General Meeting the financial results of the Company and other material information contained in the financial statements subject to the approval by the General Meeting (rule 4.11.).

In accordance with the Regulations of the General Meeting, a resolution of the General Meeting on the issue of the shares with the subscription rights (rights issue) shall specify in detail the issue price or the mechanism for the determination thereof, or shall oblige the authorized body to determine it prior to the subscription right date, within the time that would enable making of the investment decision Since the date of the Best Practices 2021 coming into force, there have been no resolutions of the General Meeting on the issue of shares with the subscription rights (rights issue) (rule 4.12.).

In accordance with the Regulations of the General Meeting a resolution on a new issue of the shares with the exclusion of the subscription rights, which at the same time grants the pre-emptive right to take up the newly issued shares to the selected shareholders or other entities, may be adopted if at least the following conditions are met:

  1. The Company has a rational, economically justified need to urgently raise capital or the issue of the shares is related to the rational, economically justified transactions, among others such deals as a merger with or an acquisition of another company, or the shares are to be taken up under the incentive program adopted by the Company,
  2. people who will be entitled to the pre-emptive rights will be identified according to the objective general criteria,
  3. the price of the shares to be taken up will be in a rational relation to the current price of the Company’s shares or will be determined as a result of the market based book building process.

Since the date of the Best Practices 2021 coming into force, there have been no resolutions of the General Meeting on the new issue of shares with the exclusion of the subscription rights (rule 4.13.).

Section 5 of the Best Practice 2021 sets out the procedures for managing a conflict of interest and concluding transactions with the related entities under such conditions when there is a possibility of a conflict of interest arising.

In accordance with the Regulations of the Management Board and the Regulations of the Supervisory Board of TAURON Polska Energia S.A., the Members of the Management Board or of the Supervisory Board shall inform the Management Board or the Supervisory Board, respectively, of any conflict of interest or the possibility of the occurrence thereof and they shall not participate in the consideration of a matter in which a conflict of interest may arise with respect thereto (rule 5.1.).

In accordance with the Regulations of the Management Board of TAURON Polska Energia S.A., if a Member of the Management Board or of the Supervisory Board considers that a decision of the Management Board or of the Supervisory Board, respectively, is contrary to the interests of the Company, he/she should demand that his/her dissenting opinion on the matter be included in the minutes of the meeting of the Management Board or of the Supervisory Board (rule 5.2.).

In accordance with the procedures implemented in the Company, no shareholder shall be privileged over the other shareholders in relation to the transactions with the related entities. This shall also be applicable to the transactions between the Company’s shareholders and the entities that are a part of the Company’s group (rule 5.3.).

In accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association a resolution of the General Meeting authorizing the Management Board of the Company to take steps aimed at acquiring the shares to be redeemed shall specify the conditions for the purchase of the shares by the Company (buy-back), while ensuring that the rights of all of the shareholders are respected (rule 5.4.).

In case a transaction of the Company with a related entity requires an approval of the Supervisory Board, prior to adopting a resolution on granting the approval, the Supervisory Board shall assess whether it is necessary to first consult an external entity that will carry out the valuation of the transaction and analyze its economic effects (rule 5.5.). On the other hand, if the conclusion of a transaction with a related entity requires an approval of the General Meeting, the Supervisory Board shall prepare an opinion on the legitimacy of concluding such a transaction and, in such a case, shall assess the need to consult an external entity referred to in the previous sentence (rule 5.6.).

In case the decision on the conclusion by the Company of a material transaction with a related entity is made by the General Meeting, prior to making such a decision, the Company shall provide all of the shareholders with access to the information required to assess the impact of this transaction on the Company’s interest, including providing the opinion of the Supervisory Board referred to in rule 5.6. (rule 5.7.).

The Company publishes on its website a list of the material transactions with the related entities drawn up in accordance with Art. 90i of the Act of July 29, 2005, on a public offering and conditions of introducing financial instruments to an organized trading system and on public companies:

Section 6 of the Best Practice 2021 sets out transparent, fair, consistent and non-discriminatory principles for the compensation of the management team.

The compensation of the Members of the Management Board of the Company and of the Supervisory Board of the Company as well of the key managers is sufficient to attract, retain and motivate people with the competencies required for the proper management and oversight of the Company. The amount of the compensation is adequate to the tasks and duties performed by the individuals and the responsibility related thereto (rule 6.1.). The amount of compensation of the Members of the Supervisory Board is not dependent on the Company’s short term performance (rule 6.5.).

Set of abandoned rules of corporate governance

The Company did not apply the following rules provided in the Best Practice 2021 in 2022:

1.4.2. – the rule related to the presentation of the value of the ratio expressing the equal compensation paid out to its employees, calculated as a percentage difference between the average monthly compensation of women and men for the last year and the information on the actions taken in order to eliminate any potential inequalities in this respect, including the presentation of the risks related thereto and the time horizon over which achieving of equality is planned.

This rule was not applied by the Company due to the fact that this ratio did not reflect the actual conditions for the possibility of employing women and men in the Company’s selected lines of business.

Regardless of this, the Company is guided by the principle of equal treatment of its employees and does not tolerate discrimination on any grounds, in particular, based on age, gender, race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, appearance, fitness or difference of opinion. Measures are taken as well as procedures and mechanisms are implemented to protect the employees against discrimination and unequal treatment, and to ensure the detection and elimination of the cases of such unlawful practices. The above mentioned principles stem from TAURON Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility Code of Conduct ( and TAURON Group’s Respect for Human Rights Policy.

2.1. – the rule related to having a diversity policy in place with respect to the Management Board and the Supervisory Board, adopted by the Management Board or the Supervisory Board, respectively, defining the diversity goals and criteria, among others in terms of gender, education background, specialist knowledge, age and professional experience, as well as indicating the date and method of monitoring the achievement of such goals. In terms of the diversity with respect to gender the prerequisite for ensuring the diversity of the Company’s authorities is the participation rate (share) of the minority in the given authority at a level of not less than 30%.

The Company has implemented TAURON Group’s Diversity Policy, on the basis of which TAURON Capital Group applies the policy of equal treatment and strives to ensure diversity in terms of gender, education, age and professional experience for all employees. However, the Company does not have a diversity policy with respect to the Management Board and the Supervisory Board in terms of the minority share in the given authority at a level of not less than 30%, due to the adoption by the Company of the solutions in accordance with the Act of December 16, 2016, on the principles of state assets management regarding the appointment of the members of the Management Board following the conducting of the recruitment procedure aimed at checking and assessing the qualifications of the candidates and selecting the best candidate to be a member of the Management Board. In the case of appointing the members of the Supervisory Board, the minister competent to exercise the rights related to the rights attached to the shares of the State Treasury has the statutory power to appoint the majority of the members of the Supervisory Board.

2.2. – the rule stating that the persons making the decisions on the appointment of the members of the Management Board or the Supervisory Board should ensure the versatility of these authorities by selecting as the members thereof the persons that would ensure the diversity, enabling, inter alia, achieving of the target minimum minority participation rate (share), set at a level of not less than 30%, in line with the goals set out in the adopted diversity policy referred to in rule 2.1.

The Company currently does not ensure a 30% diversity level with respect to the share of women in the membership of the Management Board and of the Supervisory Board. The General Meeting, having in mind the goal of ensuring the diversity with respect to the shares of women and men in the membership of the Supervisory Board, on May 24, 2021, adopted the amendments to the Regulations of the General Meeting of the Company, inter alia, by adding in § 24, section 5 with the following wording: „Persons making the decisions on the appointment of the members of the Supervisory Board should ensure the versatility of the authority by selecting as the members thereof the persons that would ensure the diversity, enabling, inter alia, achieving of the target minimum minority participation share, set at a level of not less than 30%, in line with the goals set out in the diversity policy adopted by the Company”. With regard to appointment of the Members of the Management Board, the Company applies the provisions of the Act of December 16, 2016, on the principles of state assets management, in line with which the members of the Management Board shall be appointed following the conducting of the recruitment procedure aimed at verifying and assessing the qualifications of the candidates and selecting the best candidate to be a Member of the Management Board.

3.6.– the rule stating that the Head of the Internal Audit reports organizationally to the President of the Management Board, and functionally to the chairperson of the audit committee or the chairperson of the supervisory board, if the supervisory board performs the function of the audit committee.

The internal audit unit, headed by the Executive Director for Audit and Internal Control, is placed in the organizational structure of the Company under the direct authority of the President of the Management Board. Functionally, the Head of the Internal Audit does not report to the Chairperson of the Audit Committee, however, in order to maintain the independence, objectivity and proper performance of the audit and control functions, the Executive Director for Audit and Internal Control is provided with the option of the periodic reporting to the Audit Committee and the Supervisory Board of the Company.

3.7. – the rule stating that that rules 3.4. – 3.6. shall also apply to those entities from the company’s group that are of material importance to the operations thereof, in case they have designated (appointed) persons to perform these tasks.

The Risk Management Coordinators and the Compliance Coordinators, who do not always report directly to the president or another member of the subsidiary’s management board, have been appointed at TAURON Capital Group’s subsidiaries that are of material importance to the operations thereof. The solutions adopted at these subsidiaries in terms of the organizational structure, in spite of the fact that they do not always ensure the direct reporting to a member of the company’s management board, do not restrict the possibility of the direct reporting to the members of the company’s management board. In December 2021, TAURON Group’s Compliance Policy was updated, where it was indicated that the Compliance Coordinator should report directly to the President of the Management Board or another Member of the Management Board of the Company. Accordingly, actions have been initiated to implement the above mentioned provision. With regard to the Audit and Internal Control Area, the audit function is centralized, and no persons have been designated (appointed) to perform the audit tasks at the subsidiaries.

4.1. – the rule related to allowing the shareholders to take part in a general meeting by means of electronic communication, if it is justified due to the shareholders’ expectations reported to the company, provided that it is able to provide the technical infrastructure required to conduct such a general meeting.

The Company monitors, on an ongoing basis, the changes in the shareholding structure that could affect the way the communication is conducted during the general meeting. In addition, in the event that the Company receives requests from the shareholders to conduct a general meeting using the electronic means of communication, the Company will verify the technical possibilities that would ensure the safe conduct of the general meeting for the shareholders and the Company, and in the absence of any contraindications, the Company will take actions in accordance with this recommendation.

4.14. – the rule stating that the company should strive to distribute the profit by paying out a dividend, while retaining of the entire profit in the company is possible if any of the following reasons occur:

  • the amount of this profit is minimal, and as a consequence the dividend would be insignificant in relation to the value of the shares
  • the company reports uncovered losses from the previous years, and the profit is to be used to reduce such losses,
  • the company justifies that the allocation of the profit to the investments will bring tangible benefits to the shareholders,
  • the company has failed to generate cash that would enable the payout of the dividend,
  • the payout of the dividend would significantly increase the risk of a breach of the covenants included in the credit agreements that are binding for the company or the terms of the bond issue,
  • leaving the profit in the company is in line with the recommendation of the institution exercising the supervision over the company due to its specific type of operations.

In accordance with the adopted Dividend Policy, the Company is planning, in the long term, to pay out a dividend in the amount of at least 40% of the consolidated net profit. The intention of the Company is to ensure a dividend yield at a competitive level in relation to the long term debt instruments issued on the Polish market by companies with the investment grade ratings.

Over the time frame covered by the Strategy, i.e. until 2030, due to the high level of the planned capital expenditures associated with the implementation of the strategic projects, the dividend policy assumes that the Management Board of the Company will not be recommending to the General Meeting of the Company the payout of the dividends, provided that, in the opinion of the Management Board, such a retention of the funds by TAURON Group will contribute to an increase in the value of its assets.

The decision with respect to the payout of the dividend is made by the General Meeting of the Company having obtained the recommendation of the Management Board of the Company, which takes into account, in particular, the following factors: the legal requirements and the provisions of the financial agreements, in particular with respect to not exceeding a certain level of the leverage ratio, ensuring an investment grade rating, the implementation of the investment policy, the Group’s liquidity position and the cost and options for obtaining of the financing,.

The Company’s Dividend Policy is largely in line with rule 4.14. of the Best Practice 2021, although it also provides for a broader range of the events or circumstances justifying the lack of the dividend payout, and thus the Company’s decision may be made on the basis of the premises that are not referred to in the catalog specified under rule 4.14. of the Best Practice 2021.

6.2. – the rule regarding such a structuring (design) of the incentive programs that, inter alia, the level of the compensation of the members of the management board of the company and that of the key managers thereof would be made dependent on the actual, long term situation of the company in terms of the financial and non-financial results as well as the long term increase in the shareholder value and the sustainable development, as well as the stability of the company’s operations.

The level of the variable compensation of the Members of the Management Board and the key managers of the Company is dependent on the annual consolidated financial results of the Company and the long term standing of the Capital Group in terms of the non-financial results. The principles of compensating the Members of the Management Board, that would assume, inter alia, that the variable compensation should be dependent on the annual results, were adopted by the General Meeting of the Company at the request of a shareholder State Treasury. Changing of the above mentioned principles shall require a decision of the Shareholders.

6.3. – the rule stating that if one of the company’s incentive programs is a management options program, then the implementation of the options program should be conditional on the eligible persons achieving, for at least 3 years, the predetermined, realistic and adequate financial and non-financial, as well as the sustainable development goals, and the established price at which the eligible persons would purchase the shares or settle the options may not differ from the value of the shares from the period when the program was adopted.

The compensation and bonus system for the Members of the Management Board of the Company and the key managers thereof in force does not provide for linking the compensation with the instruments tied to the Company’s shares.

6.4. – the rule stating that the supervisory board shall perform its tasks on a continuous basis, therefore the compensation of the members of the supervisory board may not depend on the number of the meetings held. The compensation of the members of the committees, in particular the audit committee, should take into account the additional workload related to the work in such committees.

Members of the Supervisory Board receive a fixed monthly compensation, regardless of the number of the convened meetings and regardless of the participation of the Members of the Supervisory Board in the works of the committees, including the Audit Committee.

The other rules included in the Best Practice 2021 were applied by the Company in 2022.

Information on the change of the scope of the application by the Company of the rules included in the Best Practice 2021 in 2022. In an effort to apply the broadest possible scope of the Best Practice 2021, the Company in 2022 began applying rule 3.4. and rule 3.5. in 2022.

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