Section 4 of the Best Practice 2021 sets out the rules for holding the General Meetings and the other rules aimed at encouraging the shareholders to get involved in the Company’s affairs.
Pursuant to the Regulations of the General Meeting, the Company shall determine the place and date, as well as the form of the General Meeting in a manner that would enable the participation of as many shareholders as possible (rule 4.2.).
The Company shall provide a publicly available broadcast, in real time, of the General Meeting, and the representatives of the media shall be allowed to attend the General Meetings (rule 4.3. and rule 4.4.).
In case the General Meeting is convened by an entity or authority other than the Management Board pursuant to the provisions of the Code of Commercial Companies, the Management Board shall take all of the required steps to convene, organize and conduct the General Meeting (rule 4.5.).
The draft resolutions of the General Meeting related to the issues and decisions other than those of a procedural nature shall include a justification (statement of reason), unless it stems from the documentation presented to the General Meeting (rule 4.6.).
The Supervisory Board shall provide its opinion (feedback) on the draft resolutions to be put on the agenda of the General Meeting by the Management Board (rule 4.7.).
In accordance with the Regulations of the General Meeting the Shareholders should submit draft resolutions of the General Meeting on the issues put on the agenda of the General Meeting no later than 3 days prior to the General Meeting (rule 4.8.).
Pursuant to the Regulations of the General Meeting, the shareholders who intend to propose candidates for the members of the Supervisory Board should provide the Company with the justification of the candidates along with the professional CVs of the candidates and a complete set of materials related thereto, by the deadline that would enable the other shareholders to study them before the General Meeting is held and to make a decision on the appointment of a member of the Supervisory Board based on the adequate knowledge, but not later than 3 days prior to the General Meeting. The information received from the shareholders shall promptly be made available by the Company to the other shareholders in the manner specified in the announcement (notice) on the General Meeting for the provision of the documentation and the draft resolutions to be presented to the General Meeting. A shareholder proposing the candidates for the members of the Supervisory Board shall submit to the Company, along with the justification for the candidate, a statement of the candidate on the candidate’s compliance or non-compliance with the independence criteria specified in the Act of May 11, 2017 on certified auditors, audit firms and public oversight, as well as on the existence or non-existence of the actual and material ties between this candidate and a shareholder holding at least 5% of the total number of votes in the Company (rule 4.9.).
The Members of the Management Board and of the Supervisory Board shall participate in the sessions of the General Meeting in a group of its representatives that would enable them to provide substantive answers to the questions asked during the General Meeting. The Members of the Management Board and of the Supervisory Board as well as the certified auditor of the Company shall, within the limits of their competences and to the extent required to evaluate the matter included in the agenda of the General Meeting, provide the participants of the Meeting with the explanations and information regarding the Company. The Management Board shall present to the participants of the Ordinary General Meeting the financial results of the Company and other material information contained in the financial statements subject to the approval by the General Meeting (rule 4.11.).
In accordance with the Regulations of the General Meeting, a resolution of the General Meeting on the issue of the shares with the subscription rights (rights issue) shall specify in detail the issue price or the mechanism for the determination thereof, or shall oblige the authorized body to determine it prior to the subscription right date, within the time that would enable making of the investment decision Since the date of the Best Practices 2021 coming into force, there have been no resolutions of the General Meeting on the issue of shares with the subscription rights (rights issue) (rule 4.12.).
In accordance with the Regulations of the General Meeting a resolution on a new issue of the shares with the exclusion of the subscription rights, which at the same time grants the pre-emptive right to take up the newly issued shares to the selected shareholders or other entities, may be adopted if at least the following conditions are met:
The Company has a rational, economically justified need to urgently raise capital or the issue of the shares is related to the rational, economically justified transactions, among others such deals as a merger with or an acquisition of another company, or the shares are to be taken up under the incentive program adopted by the Company,
- people who will be entitled to the pre-emptive rights will be identified according to the objective general criteria,
- the price of the shares to be taken up will be in a rational relation to the current price of the Company’s shares or will be determined as a result of the market based book building process.
Since the date of the Best Practices 2021 coming into force, there have been no resolutions of the General Meeting on the new issue of shares with the exclusion of the subscription rights (rule 4.13.).