- biomass,
- water used in a total of 34 run-of-river and reservoir hydro power plants and in conventional power generation processes,
- wind to power 11 wind power plants,
- solar energy was produced by 3 photovoltaic farms with a total capacity of 19 MW at TAURON Group as of the end of 2022.
Environment protection is a strictly controlled and regulated area in the energy and mining industry, both on the national law level, as well as on the EU regulations’ level. Notwithstanding the applicable regulations, TAURON Group, taking responsibility for the consequences of using natural resources, is taking actions that go beyond the legal obligations. Such actions are defined in the documents titled TAURON Group’s Environmental Policy and TAURON Group’s Climate Policy.
TAURON Group’s Environmental Policy adopted by the Management Board in 2017 and updated as needed, defines TAURON Group’s approach to the management of the issues related to the impact made by its operations on the natural environment, including the direction of its environmental activities and the principles that should be followed in the environment related matters.

The Environmental Policy includes the general principles, values and vision followed by TAURON Group in order to limit the impact on the natural environment, both as part of the direct, as well as the indirect impacts throughout the entire value chain. The document also presents the principles of responsible communications related to the environmental issues, ensuring the clarity and understanding of the operations of TAURON Group that may impact the environment as well as of the activities undertaken for the benefit of the environment.
TAURON Group in the area of environment - activities, impact, protection, results
TAURON Group’s natural capital
Natural capitals used by TAURON Group – water, solar energy, biomass, minerals (coal, limestone, gas), wind – are used throughout its entire business chain. The Group’s aspiration is to use the natural capitals in a responsible manner while minimizing the negative impact on the environment and climate. A confirmation of this approach is the implementation of actions stemming from TAURON Group’s Strategy for the years 2022-2030 with an outlook until 2050, adopted by the Management Board in 2022, as part of which a significant change in the weights of the individual natural capitals in TAURON Group’s value chain was presented. This will be made possible by the Group’s ongoing decarbonization – the spin-off of the coal mining assets outside the Group (which took place as of 31/12/2022) and the readiness to sell the conventional power generation assets (TAURON power plants) based on the coal fuel to NABE (National Energy Security Agency) in 2023. The turn towards the renewable energy sources means a successive increase in the use of the wind and solar energy and a reduction in the use of the non-renewable resources, primarily solid fossil fuels. The new Strategy also emphasizes the need to intensify the efforts aimed at shoring up the circular economy.
The changes in the way the natural capital is used in the perspective of the following years of TAURON Group’s business operations will be implemented in such a way as to ensure the certainty of the electricity supply to the customers. In 2022, despite the unfavorable external environment conditions, TAURON Group had a fairly stable raw materials’ base, enabling it to supply the Group’s conventional generation assets and the external customers. The armed conflict in Ukraine triggered by Russia’s aggression caused a global crisis on the fossil fuel market, including hard coal, which in turn necessitated taking of the adequate measures by maximizing the hard coal supplies from the domestic market and supplementing the required supply volumes by importing fuel from the third countries (including Indonesia and Colombia), outside the Russian Federation’s zone of influence. By guaranteeing the fuel supplies from the domestic coal mining and importing entities, the stable power generation during the periods of the volatile or extreme weather conditions that negatively affect the security of the power system was ensured.
TAURON Group’s natural capital includes renewable and non-renewable natural resources. The deposits of non-renewable resources are exploited in a responsible, rational, regulated, systematic and sustainable manner.
The tools supporting responsible resource management as part of the natural capital include: TAURON Group’s Environmental Policy and TAURON Group’s Climate Policy. The Policies comprehensively address all types of activities carried out by the Group that involve an environmental impact and use of resources in accordance with the sustainable development principles.
Number of deposits | Mineral | Number of coal mines | Aggregate area of the mining sites km2 | Operative resources m ton | |
8 | Primary mineral | hard coal** | 3 | 218.77 | 324.4* |
1 | limestone | 1 | 1.34 | 63.6* | |
1 | Associated mineral | methane | 1 |
TOTAL | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
Agro biomass [tons] | 58 946 | 82 283 | 124 203 |
Forest biomass [tons] | 356 885 | 435 137 | 553 537 |
Net coal [tons] | 6 518 851 | 6 419 493 | 4 888 015 |
Net coal production** [tons] | 5 007 348 | 5 146 853 | 4 541 216 |
Sludge [tons] | 203 775 | 248 142 | 249 980 |
Natural gas [m3] | 41 940 767 | 30 057 357 | 12 067 032 |
Heating oil [tons] | 40 924 | 40 340 | 26 324 |
Diesel oil [m3] | 7 105 | 6 796 | 6 289 |
Limestone [tons] | 266 639 | 269 563 | 197 288 |
Limestone production [tony] | 2 108 880 | 2 011 529 | 1 722 376 |
** On 31.12.2022 there was a spin-off of coal assets outside the Group. Discontinued operations

For the primary raw materials used as part of the natural capital, the proximity principle is applied by the Group, thereby reducing the carbon footprint associated with the transportation.
In 2022, the Group was preparing itself for the obligation to verify the sustainable development criteria for the biomass used for electricity generation purposes.
The subsidiaries operating biomass burning installations (TAURON Wytwarzanie i TAURON Ciepło), covered by the emission allowances trading system, and the biomass supplier (Bioeko Grupa TAURON) obtained certificates of the voluntary certification system authorizing them to issue documents confirming the sustainable development criteria. Since January 1, 2022, the biomass used for the Group’s electricity generation purposes has met the so-called “sustainable biomass” criteria.
TAURON Group, acting in compliance with the legal regulations and fulfilling its obligations under the provisions of administrative decisions related to the performance of its business operations, takes into account environmental protection needs and acts in a way that contributes to the accomplishment of the broader goal of sustainable development, in particular, the implementation of a circular economy and the achievement of environmental goals in terms of resource efficiency. More information on the use of the natural capital and the results achieved is provided in the thematic sections related to: Emissions, Wastewater and Waste, Waste Management Program, and Circular Economy.
The areas of potential direct environmental impact of TAURON Group’s business activities in 2022 are presented below.
Identification and classification of potential detrimental impact on environment associated with TAURON Group’s business activities in 2022
* Aval 1* TZE, TEC1 I-VI, TEC1 EW Gołdap, TEC1 Ino1, Aval 1, Wind T1, Polpawer, Megawatt Wind T4, WindT30MW, FF Park PV1, Windpower Gamów.
** direct and indirect impact, potentially negative, but also potentially positive.
Due diligence procedures and internal regulations
Due to the diverse production and service profiles of TAURON Group’s subsidiaries, their impact on the environment varies significantly. Therefore, the principles of the Environmental Policy are transferred to the individual internal documents of the individual subsidiaries in a way corresponding to their role in TAURON Capital Group’s.
Minimizing of the negative impacts on the environment is effectively implemented by TAURON Group taking into account the specifics of the operations conducted, technological development and access to the environmentally friendly technologies. TAURON Group’s activities are in compliance with all environmental regulations. The environmental management systems in place at TAURON Group confirm the implementation of environmental activities with due diligence and care for the natural environment. The environmental procedures and instructions functioning at TAURON Group strictly assign roles and responsibilities in the individual processes as well as the procedures to be followed. TAURON Group implements training and awareness programs for employees.
Some of TAURON Capital Group’s subsidiaries have implemented a certified environment management system in accordance with the ISO14001 standard. TAURON Wytwarzanie subsidiary, representing conventional electricity generation, has additionally received the certificate of the European Community’s Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), the EU’s environmental certification system, aimed at creating a sustainable development culture in an organization and efficient management of available resources and energy, operating pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of November 25, 2009, on voluntary participation by organizations in the European Community’s Eco-Management and Audit Scheme.
Through the implemented Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), TAURON Group communicates the environmental management issues to the internal and external stakeholders, evaluates and improves environmental performance in one of its largest lines of business (power generation). The operational processes implemented by TAURON Group are subject to external and internal auditing as part of the systems and certifications maintained in accordance with the certificates listed in the table below. The purpose of the environmental management systems in place within TAURON Group is to ensure continuous improvement of the organization in the environmental matters and minimize the negative impact on the natural environment by identifying areas for improvement, creating and implementing activities aimed at improving quality, increasing the efficiency of operations and minimizing the negative impact on the environment, while the certifications obtained as part of the environmental management systems in place confirm that TAURON Group ensures the high quality of its production processes, products and services and meets the requirements of customers and all stakeholders, while implementing activities aimed at protecting the environment and ensuring occupational health and safety. Table below presents the environmental management system, while Table below presents the quality and security (safety) management systems in place at TAURON Group in 2022.
Implemented system | Certified system | External audits | Number of locations (facilities sites) covered by the system | |
Environmental management system |
15 |
ISO 14 001 |
8 |
6 |
12 |
Other subsidiaries of TAURON Group do not meet the level of materiality due to the scale of their direct impact on the environment.
Implemented system | Certified system | External audits | Number of locations (facilities, sites) covered by the system | |
Quality management system |
5 |
ISO 9001 |
2 | |
ISO 17025 |
2 |
ISO 45001 |
6 |
ISO 22301 |
Wszystkie miejsca | ||
Product certificates National Technical Assessments |
17 |
KZR INiG System – confirming compliance with the requirements of sustainable operations with respect to the supply of biofuels as well as heat and electricity production |
Wszystkie miejsca |
Certificate confirming compliance with applicable requirements and standards GMP+B2 Production of feed ingredients GMP+FC system (based on GMP+C6) GMP International |
1 |
Actions taken with environmental effects and results obtained (COMMITMENT)
The Group’s activities in 2022 focused on changing the group’s so-called fuel „mix” and investing in RES in order to reduce the group’s carbon intensity. These activities were carried out by the dedicated subsidiaries: TAURON Zielona Energia and TAURON Inwestycje. Table below presents completed, in-progress and under development investments in large scale RES in 2022.
Completed in 2022 | In progress | Commenced / under development | |
Wind farms |
PV farms |
Mysłowice Dziećkowice: Stage II up to 65 MW |
Total MWs | 44 MW | 224 MW | 65 MW |
TAURON Group, as a rule, no longer invested in environmental protection installations for the coal-fired generating units in 2022, which was possible as a result of the time derogations received (under administrative decisions introducing changes to the integrated permits in a procedure involving a public participation) and the investment program aimed at adjusting the „capacity market” and the „BAT Conclusions” completed in mid-2021. In 2022, TAURON’s environmentally upgraded coal-fired power units were operating with a regime that met the requirements of the „BAT Conclusions” and thus further reduced the emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and dust into the air, as well as additional reductions in the emissions of other air pollutants such as chlorine, hydrogen fluoride and mercury from the existing sources.
As part of the investments and sustainable development in the area of the conventional power generation, the focus was on the tasks related to connecting new facilities to TAURON Ciepło's district heating networks, as well as the continuation of the Low Emission Elimination Program through further connections of the buildings, previously heated by the individual sources, or the continuation of the investments in ZWB EC 2 in Czechowice Dziedzice (construction of a new source based on the gas fuel).
In addition, TAURON Ciepło carried out large investment tasks with pro-environmental effects, the most important of which included:
- modernization of the electrostatic precipitator – reducing the dust emissions and energy intensity of the unit,
- major overhaul of the BCF 100 boiler and turbine unit – reduction of the thermal losses,
- overhauls of the feed pumps – reduction of the energy intensity of the pump units.
- modernization of the water management system in order to expand the existing water demineralization station with the reverse osmosis lines was begun (the design was completed in 2022, and the implementation of the investment project is planned for 2023). The investment project will make it possible to manage the highly saline wastewater from the ionite treatment stations.
- installation and modernization of the flue gas emission control systems at ZWB EC1 and EC2 – In case of EC1, the task was to adapt the flue gas emission measurement system to the legal requirements (BAT). Following the upgrade, the system records the measurement of NH3, which can be used to reduce the amount of ammonia emitted into the atmosphere. At the EC2 plant, the flue gas emission monitoring system had to be upgraded bringing it into compliance with the legal requirements (BAT),
- modernization of the OFz-230 boiler at ZWB EC2 in Czechowice-Dziedzice – this has a direct impact on improving the distribution of the bed circulation by reducing the percentage share of coal in the fly and bottom ashes in the boiler, which directly improves the combustion along with a simultaneous reduction in the combustion losses (lower total quantity of ash), which is directly related to meeting the stringent BAT flue gas emission standards for this boiler,
- modernization of the electrostatic precipitator of the BC50 unit at ZWB EC2 – reducing of the dust emissions and the energy intensity of the unit.
- a number of smaller modernization tasks resulting in significant reductions of the electricity consumption.
TAURON Dystrybucja, by implementing the modernization and replacement of the existing assets on an ongoing basis, especially the tasks related to the alteration of the switchgear systems, indoor substations or transformer/switch substations (GPZs), makes a direct contribution to the improvement of the soil and groundwater safety.
TAURON Group assumes responsibility for the natural environment and the consequences of using its resources. The Group’s subsidiaries estimate that the amount of charges to be paid for the business use of the environment in 2022 is approximately PLN 34.9 million, as shown in Table below.
# | Subsidiary name | Charges1 for the business use of the environment due for 2022 (PLN ‘000) |
1. | TAURON Wytwarzanie (po konsolidacji z Nowe Jaworzno Grupa TAURON) | 14 793.1 |
2. | TAURON Ciepło | 4 251.7 |
3. | TAURON Wydobycie | 15 031.4 |
4. | TAURON Ekoenergia | 410.8* |
5. | TAURON Dystrybucja | 209.3 |
6. | KW „Czatkowice” | 65.6 |
7. | TAURON Nowe Technologie | 66.4 |
8. | TAURON Obsługa Klienta | -** |
9. | TAURON Sprzedaż | -** |
10. | Bioeko Grupa TAURON | 3.8 |
11. | Usługi Grupa TAURON / Marselwind | -** |
12. | Energetyka Cieszyńska | 70.9 |
13. | TAURON Inwestycje | -** |
Total | 34 903 |
* Charge for water consumption for the purpose of running hydropower plants, assessed at the rate of PLN 1.24 per 1 MWh of electricity produced by the hydro power facilities in 2022 is PLN 406.2 thousand and a fee of PLN 4.6 thousand for discharging rainwater or snowmelt into the waters.
** Extent of using the environment does not generate charges, as their amount is below the threshold starting from which fees are paid.
Emissions, waste water (sewage) and waste
The Group does not currently have a dedicated program in place aimed at reducing the air emissions from the units burning solid fuels. Such a program was implemented in earlier years and ended with the introduction of the stricter emission standards and operating regimes as of August 2021, reducing the previous impact of the dust, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, chlorine and hydrogen fluoride emissions on the air quality. Further commitments and measures taken by the Group are focused on reducing the CO2 emissions.
This is due to the fact that all of the operating generating units of TAURON Wytwarzanie and TAURON Ciepło have already achieved the levels of concentrations of the substances emitted into the air in accordance with the best available techniques. In 2022, TAURON Group’s generation units were operated with extraordinary intensity as a consequence of the requirements of the National Power System (NPS – KSE) operator and, as a result, the direct absolute air emissions of the NOx, SO2 compounds and dusts increased in relation to the previous year due to the rise of the production output. In spite of that, the emissions of TAURON Group in 2022 are significantly below the levels defined as the maximum allowed annual loads of the substances released into the air according to the permits.
Currently, there are no longer programs in place aimed at reducing the emissions of substances discharged into the air, other than the greenhouse gases. The last such program was implemented in the wake of the publication of the BAT Conclusions, and it was completed in 2021. The ad hoc retrofitting work is currently being carried out on the air protection equipment at the sources burning the solid fossil fuels. Further reduction of the Non-GHG Air Emissions will follow the planned successive change in the Group’s fuel mix.
As part of its operations related to the environmental management TAURON Group is conducting an ongoing monitoring of the emissions of the NOx, SO2 compounds and dusts into the atmosphere and the emissions in 2022 and 2021 are presented in Tables below.
2022 | 2021 | |
NOX | 13 148 | 8 369 |
SO2 | 10 105 | 7 250 |
Total dust | 636 | 429 |
Other * | 8 545 | 8 050 |
TAURON Wytwarzanie* | TAURON Ciepło | Kopalnia Wapienia „Czatkowice” | TAURON Wydobycie | Energetyka Cieszyńska**** |
TAURON Nowe Technologie** | Total | ||||||||
2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | |
NOx | 11 994 | 6 858 | 1 015 | 1 426 | 0 | 0 | 38 | 38 | 32 | – | 68 | 46 | 13 148 | 8 369 |
SO2 | 8 285 | 5 163 | 1 679 | 2 029 | 0 | 0 | 55 | 55 | 81 | – | 4 | 3 | 10 105 | 7 250 |
Total dust | 514 | 275 | 60 | 85 | 13 | 9 | 46 | 59 | 4 | – | – | – | 636 | 429 |
Other *** | 5 599 | 5 562 | 2 881 | 2 438 | 0 | 0 | 51 | 51 | 15 | – | – | – | 8 545 | 8 050 |
** For the TAURON Nowe Technologie subsidiary there is no obligation to measure the emissions of dust and other substances.
*** Under the other emissions item, the following compounds and substances are included: CO, HCl, HF, NH3, mercury and other metals, others reported to the National Pollutant Release and Transfer Register database
**** As part of Energetyka Cieszyńska, which was acquired in 2022 (as of the end of December 31, 2022). Data includes incomplete Q4 2022. In 2021, the company was not a part of the Group.
Source | Maximum amount Mg / year | ||
NOx | SO2 | Pył | |
TAURON Wytwarzanie | 18007.4 | 15205.0 | 1155.9 |
TAURON Ciepło | 3346.7 | 4614.9 | 439.2 |
Energetyka Cieszyńska | 727 | 205.0 | 250.0 |
TAURON Nowe Technologie | 116.2 | 9.2 | – |
TAURON Wydobycie | 37.8 | 55.6 | 63.3 |
Kopalnia Wapienia „Czatkowice” | Not determined* | Not determined* | 36.2 |
TAURON Group’s costs and expenditures for the projects related to environment protection are presented in Table below.
TAURON Group’s total environment protection expenditures | PLN 352.8 milion |
including capital expenditures related to environment protection | PLN 40.9 milion |
Share of investment outlays in environmental expenditures | approx. 11.6% |
Share of environmental investment outlays in the Group’s total capital expenditures | 8.9% |

Water resources management
Following the principle of resource efficiency, TAURON Group is also monitoring and optimizing the consumption of water used for the technological process purposes on an ongoing basis. This is done by closing the water circuits and by recirculating water with relatively good parameters to other production processes, with lesser requirements, for reuse.
TAURON Wytwarzanie’s the 910 MW power generation unit and Łagisza Power Plant in Będzin meet the highest quality requirements for the combined (steam and water) cycles and are equipped with the water conditioning (treatment) installations based on the modern membrane techniques.
The climate changes observed, including the hydrological drought phenomenon that has been growing in strength in recent years, directly affect the availability of the resources considered as renewable, such as, for example, water. The sustainable use of these resources is implemented in the energy industry, among others, by applying the operational limits on the amount of water taken directly from the environment (surface and groundwater intakes) presented in Table below.
Source | Maximum quantity per day m3/d | ||
Water from coal mine drainage (including ground water to be used for the needs of coal mines) |
Ground water | Surface water | |
TAURON Wydobycie | 158 934 | ||
(8 256) | |||
TAURON Wytwarzanie | 14 376 | 877 272** | |
TAURON Ciepło | 7 209.6 | ||
TAURON Dystrybucja | 11,9 | ||
TAURON Ekoenergia | 3.8 | ||
Kopalnia Wapienia „Czatkowice” | 3.5 | 240 |
** The figure includes the so-called reverse water intake in an open cooling system.
The Group does not consciously declare water reduction targets for energy production purposes at this time, as it is conducting activities related to:
- the spin-off of TAURON Wytwarzanie outside TAURON Group,
- a change in the energy mix toward the wind power and photovoltaics, both of which do not involve water intake.
Thus, by implementing both of the above measures in the following years, the water intake will fall by a minimum of 70%.
The consumption of water used in the production processes by TAURON Group in 2022 is shown in Tables below.
[m3/year] | Total | |
2022 | 2021 | |
rivers | 45 250 492 | 47 230 609 |
wetlands | 0 | 0 |
ground water | 46 729 460 | 46 577 742 |
rain water collected directly and stored | 339 196 | 278 954 |
water from the city network | 4 370 059 | 4 143 445 |
Other | 19 565 350 | 18 741 603 |
Total volume of water consumed from all sources taken into account | 116 254 558 | 116 972 353 |
[m3/year] | TAURON Wydobycie | TAURON Wytwarzanie* | TAURON Ciepło | TAURON Ekoenergia | Kopalnia Wapienia „Czatkowice” | Energetyka Cieszyńska** | Total | |||||||
2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | |
Surface water (rivers, lakes) including water from wetlands | ||||||||||||||
rivers | 0 | 0 | 44 720 350 | 46 701 176 | 485 005 | 482 358 | 0 | 0 | 45 137 | 47 075 | 0 | – | 45 250 492 | 47 230 609 |
wetlands | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | – | 0 | 0 |
Other: | ||||||||||||||
ground water | 46 039 052 | 45 704 009 | 689 838 | 873 168 | 0 | 0 | 461 | 485 | 109 | 80 | 0 | – | 46 729 460 | 46 577 742 |
rain water collected directly and stored | 0 | 0 | 339 196 | 278 954 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | – | 339 196 | 278 954 |
water from the city network | 470 064 *** | 411 991 | 2 390 316 | 2 149 767 | 1 493 038 | 1 549 598 | 1 451 | 1 280 | 6 574 | 30 809 | 8 616 | – | 4 370 059 | 4 143 445 |
Other | 0 | 0 | 18 922 889 | 17 553 373 | 642 461 | 1 188 230 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | – | 19 565 350 | 18 741 603 |
Total volume of water consumed from all sources taken into account | 46 509 116 | 46 116 000 | 67 062 589 | 67 556 438 | 2 620 504 | 3 220 186 | 1 912 | 1 764 | 51 820 | 77 964 | 8 616 | – | 116 254 558 | 116 972 353 |
** As part of Energetyka Cieszyńska, which was acquired in 2022 (as of the end of December 31, 2022). Data includes incomplete Q4 2022. In 2021, the company was not a part of the Group.
*** Continuation of the "Increasing the use of water from the in-house sources in the technological processes" initiative. The goal achieved is the reduction of the water purchased from Wodociągi Chrzanowskie Sp. z. o.o. compared to the 2020 baseline level (baseline level: 792 963 m3).
By optimizing the waste water treatment processes, modernizing and applying the new waste water treatment methods, as well as a result of decommissioning the Stalowa Wola open cooling facility, TAURON Group significantly reduced the total quantity of waste water produced already in 2021 relative to 2020. For this reason, no additional initiatives were carried out in 2022 in this regard, since, as in the case of the water intake, the volume of the waste water generated and required to be treated will decrease by a minimum of 70% after the completion of the spin-off of TAURON Wytwarzanie and the increase of the RES sources’ capacity in the Group.
The quality and quantity of the waste water is subject to an ongoing monitoring and the total volume of waste water produced (discharged) as a result of TAURON Capital Group’s operations in 2022, including its utilization method (destination), is shown in Tables below.
Waste water dump site taking into account emergency heat dumps | Total m3 | |
2022 | 2021 | |
Waste water discharged into the sewage system (municipal companies) | 982 893 | 984 342 |
Waste water discharged by means of transportation to the waste water treatment plant | 472 | 564 |
Rivers | 60 308 666 | 60 126 611 |
Other | 0 | 1 400 842 |
Total waste water volume | 61 292 032 | 62 512 359 |
Waste water dump site taking into account emergency heat dumps | Waste water volume [m3] | |||||||||||||
TAURON Wydobycie | TAURON Wytwarzanie* | TAURON Ciepło | TAURON Ekoenergia | Kopalnia Wapienia „Czatkowice” | Energetyka Cieszyńska** | Total | ||||||||
2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | |
Waste water discharged into the sewage system (municipal companies) | 347 366 | 287 311 | 203 970 | 212 938 | 422 532 | 483 091 | 1 115 | 1 002 | 0 | 0 | 7 910 | – | 982 893 | 984 342 |
Waste water discharged by means of transportation to the waste water treatment plant | 337 | 416 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 135 | 148 | 0 | 0 | 0 | – | 472 | 564 |
Waste water discharged to the surface water: | ||||||||||||||
Rivers | 43 621 926 | 43 373 193 | 16 532 273 | 16 522 878 | 131 944 | 184 794 | 452 | 479 | 22 071 | 45 267 | 0 | – | 60 308 666 | 60 126 611 |
Other | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 400 842 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | – | 0 | 1 400 842 |
Total waste water volume | 43 969 629 | 43 660 920 | 16 736 243 | 18 136 658 | 554 476 | 667 885 | 1 702 | 1 628 | 22 071 | 45 267 | 7 910 | – | 61 292 032 | 62 512 359 |
** w ramach przejętej w 2022 r. spółki Energetyka Cieszyńska (stan na koniec 31.12.2022 r.). Dane obejmują niepełny 4 kwartał 2022 r. W roku 2021 spółka spoza Grupy.
Decommissioning of the units using the solid fuel at TAURON Wytwarzanie in Stalowa Wola in 2021 led to the significant reduction of the amount of waste water discharged to the surface waters (rivers) – in 2020 it was 85 205 063 m3.
Waste management program - actions taken and results achieved
TAURON Capital Group is undertaking numerous actions aimed at minimizing the negative impact on the environment, including with respect to minimizing the waste generated from the processes and activities within the entire value chain.
In accordance with the principles of the Environmental Policy, the Group has a waste treatment hierarchy in place. The Group’s waste management program consists of activities that are adequate to the profile of the individual subsidiaries:
- prevention/avoidance,
- reuse/substitution of the natural materials,
- customer-facing services related to repairs that eliminate or reduce the generation of household electro-waste.

The amount of hazardous waste generated in 2022 came in at 891 Mg, which represented less than 0.1% of the waste generated as part of the operations. This quantity is a marginal quantity in the entire area of the generation operations.
All site where hazardous waste is generated and stored are subject to the monitoring and measurement of hazardous waste in order to minimize the amount of hazardous waste generation and optimize processes with respect to hazardous waste management
2022 | 2021 | |
Reuse | 0.0 | 9.3 |
Recycling | 354.9 | 2.2 |
Recovery (including energy recovery) | 298.0 | 494.3 |
Neutralization | 104.2 | 24.7 |
Storage | 15.6 | 36.2 |
Other * | 118.1 | 437.4 |
Total waste weight | 891 | 1 004 |
Weight of hazardous waste [Mg] | ||||||||||||||||
TAURON Wydobycie | TAURON Wytwarzanie* | TAURON Ciepło | TAURON Ekoenergia | TAURON Dystrybucja | Kopalnia Wapienia „Czatkowice” | Energetyka Cieszyńska** | Total | |||||||||
2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | |
Reuse | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 9.3 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | – | 0.0 | 9.3 |
Recycling | 0.0 | 0.0 | 2.9 | 1.1 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 352.0 | 1.1 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | – | 354.9 | 2.2 |
Recovery (including energy recovery) | 0.0 | 0.0 | 105.1 | 194.9 | 26.1 | 10.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 166.9 | 289.4 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | – | 298.0 | 494.3 |
Neutralization | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.8 | 5.8 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 103.4 | 18.9 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | – | 104.2 | 24.7 |
Storage | 2.6 | 4.2 | 2.0 | 9.4 | 0.6 | 2.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 10.4 | 20.5 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | – | 15.6 | 36.2 |
Other | 89.1 | 38.1 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 129.9 | 0.9 | 244.9 | 27.1 | 24.5 | 0.0 | – | 118.1 | 437.4 |
Total waste weight | 91.7 | 42.3 | 110.8 | 211.2 | 26.7 | 12.0 | 1.0 | 129.9 | 633.6 | 584.2 | 27.1 | 24.5 | 0.0 | – | 891 | 1 004 |
** As part of Energetyka Cieszyńska, which was acquired in 2022 (as of the end of December 31, 2022). Data includes incomplete Q4 2022. In 2021, the company was not a part of the Group.
2022 | 2021 | |
Reuse | 0 | 155 |
Recycling | 3 086 | 2 203 |
Recovery (including energy recovery) | 1 398 526 | 1 581 107 |
Neutralization | 937 | 1 286 |
Dump (landfill) | 4 320 | 5 969 |
Storage | 22 614 | 9 656 |
Composting | 0 | 0 |
Other | 6 134 | 54 875 |
Total waste weight | 1 435 616 | 1 655 250 |
Weight of non-hazardous waste [Mg] | ||||||||||||||||
TAURON Wydobycie | TAURON Wytwarzanie* | TAURON Ciepło | TAURON Ekoenergia | TAURON Dystrybucja | Kopalnia Wapienia „Czatkowice” | Energetyka Cieszyńska** | Total | |||||||||
2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | 2021 | |
Reuse | 0 | 0 | 0 | 155 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | – | 0 | 155 |
Recycling | 0 | 0 | 1 599 | 943 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 480 | 1 260 | 0 | 0 | 6 | – | 3 086 | 2 203 |
Recovery (including energy recovery) | 1 276 374 | 1 468 313 | 97 709 | 75 824 | 21 642 | 36 273 | 0 | 0 | 287 | 696 | 0 | 0 | 2 514 | – | 1 398 526 | 1 581 107 |
Neutralization | 0 | 0 | 144 | 801 | 6 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 786 | 478 | 0 | 0 | 0 | – | 937 | 1 286 |
Dump (landfill) | 0 | 0 | 4 320 | 5 969 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | – | 4 320 | 5 969 |
Storage | 20 064 | 6 359 | 2 228 | 981 | 287 | 2 016 | 0 | 0 | 36 | 300 | 0 | 0 | 0 | – | 22 614 | 9 656 |
Composting | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | – | ||
Other | 3 136 | 50 897 | 2 166 | 3 200 | 0 | 0 | 144 | 186 | 498 | 500 | 240 | 91 | 0 | – | 6 134 | 54 875 |
Total waste weight | 1 299 574 | 1 525 569 | 108 115 | 87 873 | 21 935 | 38 296 | 144 | 186 | 3 088 | 3 235 | 240 | 91 | 2 520 | – | 1 435 616 | 1 655 250 |
** As part of Energetyka Cieszyńska, which was acquired in 2022 (as of the end of December 31, 2022). Data includes incomplete Q4 2022. In 2021, the company was not a part of the Group.

Circular economy
TAURON Capital Group is actively looking for solutions that would implement the idea of the Circular Economy whose goals include:
- taking care of the natural environment,
- reducing the harm caused by the waste produced,
- maximizing the use of the by-products of the combustion related to electricity generation or of the coal mining,
- minimizing the costs related to the disposal (neutralizing) of environmentally harmful waste and providing new functionalities to the areas transformed as a result of industrial activities,
- partnership collaborations in the field of circular economy.
As part of the operations of TAURON Group, the cycles of substances produced by the Group are closed and the re-use of the combustion and mining by-products is being spread in the economy and industry. The reuse of the substances contributes to the protection of natural resources and the reduction of the amount of waste deposited in landfills.
TAURON Capital Group is seeking to implement the model of circular economy. It is planned that the maximum quantity of the process waste generated should be used within TAURON Group, thus reducing the consumption of natural resources and curtailing the carbon footprint.
3.2 million Mg of the process by-products, coming from thermal combustion and mining of coal, was generated in 2022, with as much as 62% of that quantity brought to the market as full value products to be used, among others, in the construction, road building, mining or agricultural sector. The balance of the waste was handed over to further authorized recipients with whom TAURON Capital Group’s subsidiaries have agreements in place that guarantee its further economic utilization, among others in land reclamation, macro-leveling and filling of the post-mining voids in mining.
In 2022, TAURON Wytwarzanie brought to the market as much as 100% of ashes and boiler slag coming from coal combustion as by-products from 7 system (utility scale) power plants (including the NJGT division, which is now a part of the TAURON Wytwarzanie), to be used in construction, (building industry), road engineering, mining and agriculture.
The below figure presents the structure (composition) of ashes, sludge, gypsum and aggregates generated by TAURON Capital Group, brought to the market in 2022.
TAURON Group’s power plants produced 200 thousand Mg of ashes in 2022 that was used as a valuable raw material in fire prevention by the coal mines. The ashes from TAURON Group’s power plants and combined heat and power plants cover 100% of the demand for ashes to be used for fire prevention at TAURON Wydobycie's coal mines.
100% of TAURON Ciepło's by-products, i.e. 205 thousand Mg, is reused in various industries.
TAURON Wydobycie processes post-mining waste, as a result of which high quality construction and road aggregates are obtained. 127 thousand Mg of aggregates and materials produced from the post-mining waste were placed on the market in 2021.
The below figure presents the structure (composition) and quantities of the combustion and mining by-products generated by TAURON Group, brought to the market in 2022.
TAURON Group focuses on the local cooperation and the use of waste materials, using the waste stored in settling tanks and at waste dump (landfill) sites.
All of the above activities contribute to reducing of the consumption of natural resources, e.g. aggregates, sand or gravel.
In line with its strategy, TAURON Group is developing a new product segment to meet the needs of the household and SME customers. offering the service that involves the professionals repairing, at the source, the malfunctions of the internal electrical installations, radio and television equipment, household appliances, PCs, air conditioning equipment, internal water and sewage systems, locks on front doors and broken windows. The launch of the service offering involving the electricians, locksmiths, glaziers, plumbers or other professionals allows the life cycle of the used products to be extended by repairing them, which is implemented as part of the introduction of activities aimed at spreading circular economy promoting activities.
Site Closure and Rehabilitation approach
TAURON Group’s approach to dealing with assets and sites after the business operations have been completed thereupon varies depending on the nature of the individual operations and has changed in connection with the planned transition of the sector is shown in Table below.
Type of activity, site | Priorities / directions | Tools | |
Mining operations | Hard coal mines* (underground mining plants) |
Limestone mine (open pit mining) |
Power plants, combined heat and power plants, heating plants | Discontinuation of operations |
Transition / Change of fuel |
Landfills, waste storage facilities, large-scale areas historically associated with waste management (GRI 306-2) | Reclaimed land |
Land undergoing exploitation |
After the final termination of the activity, the necessary measures are taken to control and, if it would be reasonable, reduce the spread or limit the amount of the substances identified as posing a risk (hazard). In this way, taking into account the current and future use of the land, there is no significant risk to the human health or the environment from the contamination of the soil and groundwater as a result of the prior activities allowed in the permit.
An important change in the trend associated with the transition of the sector is the move away from treating land historically associated with landfill as wasteland, and, instead, assigning it new functions, such as, for example, using it for photovoltaic farms. Due to the specifics of the support structures used to mount solar panels that do not require a high bearing capacity of the native soils, the land previously excluded from the economic use is being restored to the electricity generation functions, without having to exclude the biologically active areas from such use.
Biodiversity action program
Identification and awareness
TAURON Capital Group has knowledge of the areas that are valuable from the nature point of view, whose locations are subject to its impact, including the NATURA 2000 network areas, which is presented in Tables below.
Locations in NATURA 2000 areas where activities (operations) are conducted.
Location of generation assets | NATURA habitats | NATURA birds |
Symbol and name | Symbol and name | |
TAURON Ekoenergia Hydro power plants1 | ||
EW Wrzeszczyn | PLH020054 Ostoja nad Bobrem (Refuge on the Bóbr River) |
EW Olszna | PLB020005 Bory Dolnośląskie (Lower Silesian Forests) |
EW Pilchowice I | PLH020054 Ostoja nad Bobrem (Refuge on the Bóbr River) |
EW Pilchowice II | PLH020054 Ostoja nad Bobrem (Refuge on the Bóbr River) |
EW Czchów | PLH120085 Dolny Dunajec (Lower Dunajec River) |
EW Kuźnice | PLC120001 Tatry (Tatra Mountains) |
PLC120001 Tatry (Tatra Mountains) |
EW Janowice | PLB020002 Grądy Odrzańskie |
EW Głębinów | PLB160002 Zbiornik Nyski (Nysa Reservoir) |
EW Otmuchów | PLB160003 Zbiornik Otmuchowski (Otmuchów Reservoir) |
EW Turawa | PLB160004 Zbiornik Turawa (Turawa Reservoir) |
TAURON Ekoenergia Wind farms | ||
Zagórze | PLB320009 Zalew Szczeciński (Szczecin Lagoon) |
Location of generation assets | NATURA habitats | NATURA birds | ||
Distance (km) | Symbol and name | Distance (km) | Symbol and name | |
TAURON Wytwarzanie | ||||
El. Jaworzno III | 6.70 | PLH240042 Łąki w Jaworznie (Meadows in Jaworzno) | ||
El. Jaworzno II | 5.62 | PLH240042 Łąki w Jaworznie (Meadows in Jaworzno) | ||
El. Nowe Jaworzno | 5.62 | PLH240042 Łąki w Jaworznie (Meadows in Jaworzno) | ||
El. Łaziska | 19.76 | PLB240001 Dolina Górnej Wisły (Upper Vistula River Valley) |
El. Siersza | 7.27 | PLH240042 Łąki w Jaworznie (Meadows in Jaworzno) | ||
TAURON Ciepło | ||||
Zakład Wytwarzania Katowice | 14.37 | PLH240037 Lipienniki w Dąbrowie Górniczej (Lipienniki in Dabrowa Górnicza) |
Zakład Wytwarzania Tychy | 9.96 | PLB120009 Stawy w Brzeszczach (Ponds in Brzeszcze) |
Zakład Wytwarzania Bielsko EC1 | 2.59 | PLH240005 Beskid Śląski (Silesian Beskid) |
Zakład Wytwarzania Bielsko EC2 | 4.30 | PLB240001 Dolina Górnej Wisły (Upper Vistula River Valley) |
Obszar ciepłowni Ciepłownia Zawiercie | 6.03 | PLH240009 Ostoja Środkowojurajska (Mid-jurasic Refuge) | ||
Obszar ciepłowni Ciepłownia Olkusz | 3.58 | PLH120006 Jaroszowiec |
Obszar ciepłowni Ciepłownia Kamienna Góra | 1.48 | PLH020011 Rudawy Janowickie |
TAURON Ekoenergia Hydro power plants | ||||
EW Kraszowice | 5.55 | PLH020077 Żerkowice-Skała |
EW Bobrowice I | 2.30 | PLH020095 Góra Wapienna |
EW Bobrowice II | 2.00 | PLH020054 Ostoja nad Bobrem (Refuge on the Bóbr River) |
EW Bobrowice IV | 2.80 | PLH020095 Góra Wapienna |
EW Bystrzyca | 3.57 | PLH020019 Pasmo Krowiarki (krowiarki Range) |
EW Leśna | 0.08 | PLH020013 Sztolnie w Leśnej (Adits in Leśna) |
EW Lubachów | 0.02 | PLH020071 Ostoja Nietoperzy Gór Sowich (Owl Mountains Bat Refuge) |
EW Ławica
1.34 | PLH020043 Przełom Nysy Kłodzkiej koło Morzyszowa (Nysa Kłodzka River Gorge near Morzyszów |
EW Opolnica | 0.58 | PLH020062 Góry Bardzkie (Bardzkie Mountains) |
EW Szklarska Poręba I | 0.24 | PLB020009 Góry Izerskie |
EW Szklarska Poręba II | 0.44 | PLC020001 Karkonosze |
0.44 | PLC020001 Karkonosze |
EW Włodzice | 1.90 | PLH020077 Żerkowice-Skała |
EW Rożnów | 0.17 | PLH120020 Ostoje Nietoperzy okolic Bukowca (Bat Refuges near Bukowiec) |
EW Dąbie | 3.96 | PLH120069 Łąki Nowohuckie (Nowa Huta Meadows) |
EW Przewóz | 4.31 | PLH120069 Łąki Nowohuckie (Nowa Huta Meadows) |
EW Olcza | 1.60 | PLC120001 Tatry (Tatra Mountains) |
1.60 | PLC120001 Tatry (Tatra Mountains) |
EW Marszowice | 2.49 | PLH020036 Dolina Widawy (Widawa River Valley) |
EW Wały Śląskie | 0.34 | PLH020036 Dolina Widawy (Widawa River Valley) |
EW Wrocław I | 4.56 | PLH020017 Grądy w Dolinie Odry (Grądy in the Odra River Valley) |
EW Wrocław II | 4.62 | PLH020017 Grądy w Dolinie Odry (Grądy in the Odra River Valley) |
EW Brzeg | 0.31 | PLB020002 Grądy Odrzańskie (Odra River Grądy) |
EW Kopin | 0.05 | PLB020002 Grądy Odrzańskie (Odra River Grądy) |
EW Nysa | 0.62 | PLH160001 Forty Nyskie (Nysa Forts) |
TAURON Ekoenergia Wind farms | ||||
Lipniki | 5.43 | PLB160003 Zbiornik Otmuchowski |
Wicko | 3.59 | PLH220045 Górkowski Las (Górkowski Forest) |
Marszewo | 1.63 | PLH320068 Jezioro Wicko i Modelskie Wydmy (Wicko Lake and Model Dunes) |
Dobrzyń | 5.68 | PLB040005 Żwirownia Skoki (Skoki Gravel Pit) |
Inowrocław | 12.54 | PLH040007 Jezioro Gopło (Lake Gopło) |
12.54 | PLB040004 Ostoja Nadgoplańska (Gopło Lake Refuge) |
Mogilno | 15.31 | PLH040028 Ostoja Barcińsko-Gąsawska |
Śniatowo | 3.66 | PLB320001 Bagna Rozwarowskie (Rozwarów Marshlands) |
Gołdap | 6.40 | PLH280005 Puszcza Romincka (Romincka Forest) |
One of such NATURA 2000 areas has been established due to the need to ensure hydrotechnical protection of the Upper Vistula River from the saline mine drainage from coal mines, as part of the industrial infrastructure of the Brzeszcze Coal Mine. The „Brzeszcze” underground water retention and dosing reservoir and discharge site is located in the Natura 2000 protected area Special Protection Area ”Stawy w Brzeszczach” (Ponds in Brzeszcze) PLB 120009, with an area of 3065.9 hectares. This area covers complexes of breeding ponds in the upper Vistula River valley, located on both sides of the river. The Vistula River, meandering in its valley, forms small oxbow lakes. The refuge is home to 14 bird species listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive (out of 180 included in the Directive) and 9 species listed in the Polish Red Book (PCK). During the breeding season, the area is inhabited by at least 1% of the national population of the following bird species listed in the Polish Red Book: little bittern, purple heron, little tern, blind-winged warbler, coot, crake, redshank, black-capped warbler, laughing-stock, and barred warbler. The bittern, black tern and great crested grebe are relatively high in numbers.
In addition, the deposit currently exploited by Kopalnia Wapienia “Czatkowice” is located in Park Krajobrazowy Dolinki Krakowskie (Dolinki Krakowskie Landscape Park), whose western border is directly adjacent to the Natura 2000 area “Dolinki Jurajskie” and the nature reserve „Dolina Eliaszówki” (Eliaszówka Valley). The „Czerna” Natura 2000 area, the „Krzeszowice” Natura 2000 area as well as the rest of the „Jurassic Valleys” Natura 2000 area also located in close proximity to the Limestone Mine.
Restoration and re-establishing forest ecosystems associated with open-pit mining operations
The biodiversity action program with respect to historical activities is based on key principles:
- re-establishing habitat types – an attempt to re-establish nesting sites that were disturbed during the works conducted as part of the investment project,
- re-establishing biodiversity values – an attempt to re-establish biodiversity if it was disturbed during the works conducted as part of the investment project,
- re-establishing ecosystem services – an attempt to re-establish the ecosystem if it was disrupted during the works conducted as part of the investment project.
The biodiversity action program through restorations of forest ecosystems is being implemented by Kopalnia Wapienia “Czatkowice” (Czatkowice Limestone Mine) based on the „Technical design for the recultivation of the post-mining pit of the Czatkowice Mining Plant.” The design envisages the recultivation to restore forestry in an area covering more than 73 hectares. It defines the species composition of the cultivation, the characteristics of the required planting material, the timing of the works and the schedule of the cultivation care for a period of five years after its establishment.
Actions taken and results achieved
In 2022, as part of the chiropterofauna monitoring, research was carried out in the winter shelters (roosts) of bats and in their feeding grounds.
It was determined that 731 bats from seven species hibernated in the winter shelters penetrated (in 2021 it was 563 bats from eight species). The condition of the population of the lesser horseshoe bat on the wintering grounds was assessed as adequate (FV rating) – its number increased as compared to previous years, and the number of the greater spotted nightjar bat remains at a similar level (FV rating). A slight decrease in the number was observed for the greater nightjar bat (U1 rating).
The assessment of the habitat conditions at the Racławicka Cave (Jaskinia Racławicka), one of the key winter shelters (roosts) of the Kraków Highland, has not changed as compared to the previous years.
Two breeding colonies of bats of the lesser horseshoe bat and the greater spotted (perched) nightjar bat were found at the monastery in Czerna. In the case of the lesser horseshoe bat, its number was slightly lower than in previous years (U1 rating), the size of the breeding colony of the greater spotted (perched) nightjar bat increased (FV rating). The condition of the lesser horseshoe bat’s habitat in the cellars at the Czerna Monastery was given a rating of F2 (bad), with an indication that thermal conditions at the lowest level of the cellars should be improved.
In connection with the above, the Company has commissioned works aimed at ensuring optimal thermal conditions in the cellars of the monastery, involving installing of the heating panels in two existing shelters and in a new one planned for construction. It should be noted that the deterioration of the bats’ habitats (roosts) did not occur as a result of the impacts of the Mine’s operation, but the Company has taken action based on the recommendation of a specialist chiropterologist who performs annual monitoring.
The measures in question were also included in the Conservation Task Plan for the Czerna site.
In conclusion, due to its direct vicinity to the Czerna Monastery, the Company has engaged in the active protection of important bat roosts.
At the Church in Krzeszowice, despite the provision of the habitat conditions, no recolonization of the attic by the spotted (perched) nightjar and the greater nightjar has been observed. At the Church in Tenczynek, the size of the breeding colony of the spotted (perched) nightjar is gradually increasing (FV rating), the condition of the habitat was rated as F1 (an unsatisfactory mark). The bat trapping and field acoustic monitoring conducted indicate that in the areas where tree plantings have been carried out, the bat activity and their species richness are relatively high.
Comparing the results of the monitoring obtained in 2016 – 2022, it can be concluded that the changes of the species composition are relatively small from year to year, with the number of species associated mainly with open terrain and the areas covered with the lower bushy vegetation remaining within the 30 – 40 range. These species are characteristic of the fringes of the tree stands, logging, forest crops, and they include, among others, wood pipit, song thrush, primrose, hooded warbler, and of the fields with enclaves of higher greenery, and they include, among others, bumblebee, pot-bellied warbler, red-backed shrike, barred warbler and stickleback. In places with older trees and bordering woodlands, the forest (park) species, such as blackbird, chaffinch and woodpeckers also appear. It is expected that over the next few years, the bird species associated with older-aged trees will begin to dominate the wooded strip (zone) area, while the field species, including, among others, corncrake, will completely withdraw.
Looking at the number of pairs of individual species, the upward trend in the area of the wooded strip (zone) continues, with the rise most noticeable in the species associated with shrubbery and shelterbelts, which is related to the increasing density of the planted crops. This is clearly visible based on the case of the number of blackbirds.
Four species listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive were found, i.e.: red-backed shrike, barred warbler, corncrake and green-backed woodpecker.
The protection of birds is also carried out by TAURON Ekoenergia. Periodically, by way of the decision of the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection (RDOŚ) in Szczecin, the Koszalin Branch, issued after the first year of the post-commissioning environmental (nature) monitoring conducted at the Marszewo Wind Farm, one turbine – no. 6/4 – is turned off. The turbine is turned off during the period of the peak bat activity, i.e. from 25. 07 to 05.09 every year, from 20:00 to 5:00, at wind speeds below 6 m/s, regardless of the ambient air temperature and precipitation (the system cannot be made dependent on the latter two parameters, the turbine is turned off automatically, in accordance with the set settings).
Preventive measures with respect to protecting biodiversity
Each „new” or „restored” location (site) considered for the operations of the Group’s subsidiaries, depending on the scale and location, is subject to analyses and environmental „screening” or a full environmental impact assessment, including with regard to the possibility of preserving the integrity of ecosystems.
TAURON Capital Group, when carrying out the RESd evelopment projects, always takes into account the requirements set forth in the decisions on environmental conditions in terms of the measures aimed at protecting biodiversity, in particular, it implements the following principles:
- site selection – selecting an adequate site for an investment project that will have the least negative impact on biodiversity,
- design – designing facilities so that they pose the least threat to the species living in the investment project’s area,
- scheduling – sticking to the set incremental (gradual) plans for completing the works so as not to generate more days during which the construction works are conducted, which reduces the threat to animals.
Promoting conservation of nature, and in particular biodiversity
The principles and directions of actions, according to the Environmental Policy, include:
- Promoting nature protection, and in particular the preservation of habitats, plant and animal species located within the key locations, in order to protect biodiversity and the functioning of ecosystems.
- Taking into account the impacts of the key assets on
In 2022, the promotion of the conservation of nature, and in particular of biodiversity, was carried out by way of:
- conducting of a campaign entitled „Our Stork”,
- implementing of the project „What to plant not to replant”,
- cooperation as part of the product offering Electricity + Forest in which tree planting is carried out on behalf of customers together with the Lasy Państwowe (State Forests), or the holding of, for example, educational walks in the forest.
TAURON Group’s approach to the biodiversity issue in the medium term takes on a new importance in connection with the potential decommissioning of the permanently retired generation assets and the assigning of the new functionalities to the post-industrial (brownfield) sites (including the ones associated with the developing of the zero-carbon assets).
Each „new” or „restored” location (site) considered for the operations of the Group’s subsidiaries is subject to analyses and assessment with regard to the possibility of preserving the integrity of ecosystem and is subjected to a nature inventory taking (including a preliminary one without the long-term monitoring of nature), including with respect to biodiversity of the existing and the adjacent flora and fauna, along with the identification of the favorable conditions for its preservation and even growth.
The proposed photovoltaic farms are planned to be implemented while preserving the largest possible biologically active area as possible.
Elevated risk of a major industrial accident
The Group’s subsidiaries are, on an ongoing basis, monitoring and analyzing factors, i.e. chemical substances and their quantities as well as the way they are stored, that may determine the occurrence of an elevated risk of a major industrial accident.
In 2022, only one of the Group’s plants was classified as conducting such activities – Łagisza Power Plant in Będzin belonging to TAURON Wytwarzanie. As a consequence, a public disclosure on the procedure to be followed in case of an occurrence of an industrial accident is prepared and made available to the public on the website. In connection with the above, a document defining the rules of the functioning of the power plant in case of an emergency threat has been made available, along with a description of events and situations that may occur at the power plant’s site.
The document includes: the characteristics of the stored hazardous substances that determine the plant’s classification as a high-risk plant, including their names or categories and the hazards they pose, the information on the ways the public should be warned and act in the event of an industrial accident’s occurrence, agreed with the competent authorities of the State Fire Brigade Service, the way the public should act in the event of an industrial accident’s occurrence.
Chemical substance management at TAURON Group
Substances produced by TAURON Group that are the by-products of combustion were subjected to detailed toxicological and ecotoxicological studies as part of which their impact on health, human life and the environment was analyzed. The assessment of their chemical safety was carried out during the registration process with the European Chemicals Agency in accordance with the requirements of the REACH regulation. Guidance on the use of individual substances was indicated in the chemical safety reports and information sheets compiled for these substances.
The Group’s use of chemical substances is subject to supervision and monitoring. The way chemical substances are managed is subject to periodic external inspections and supervision by such authorities as the Epidemic and Sanitary Stations or the Environmental Protection Inspectorates. Surveillance is in place, as well as registers of chemical substances used at workplaces at individual generation units are maintained. The registers are subject to periodic reviews and additions. The handling of individual chemical substances is adapted to the guidelines provided in the substance safety data sheets. Employees who use chemical substances in their daily duties are trained and acquainted with the guidelines of the substance safety data sheets that contain the principles of handling chemical substances.