36. Receivables from customers


Receivables from customers include amounts invoiced and receivables classified as revenue, including revenues subject to revaluation, which have not been measured and invoiced due to the customer settlement system used. The accounting policy in the scope of accrued revenue is described in Note 15.

Receivables from customers are measured at the amounts originally invoiced or estimated, including in accordance with the methodology described in Note 55 to consolidated financial statements (taking into account the effect of discounting, if material), taking into account the revaluation allowance.

Impairment allowances are recognised for both overdue and current receivables based on probability-weighted credit loss to be incurred should any of the following events occur:

The process of estimating the allowance for receivables is divided into the following stages:

For receivables from customers, the Group separated a portfolio of strategic counterparties (a counterparty with credit exposure exceeding PLN 2 million) and a portfolio of the remaining  counterparties.

For the portfolio of strategic counterparties,  the risk of insolvency of strategic counterparties is assessed based on ratings assigned to the counterparties using an internal scoring model and appropriately restated to account for the probability of default. The expected credit loss, in line with IFRS 9 Financial Instruments, is calculated based on the estimated potential recoveries from security interests.

For receivables from other counterparties, historical repayment figures are expected to reflect the credit risk (including forward-looking adjustments) that will be incurred in future periods. The expected credit losses for this group of counterparties were estimated using the receivables ageing matrix and the percentage ratios assigned to the various ranges and groups (including receivables claimed at court, receivables from counterparties in bankruptcy) allowing to estimate the value of receivables from customers expected to be outstanding.

The recovery rate adopted for trade receivables from other counterparties as at 31 December 2022 is shown in the table below

Receivables from customers
Not overdue Overdue
<30 days 30-90 days 90-180 days 180-360 days >360 days
99.72% 97.63% 85.84% 27.36% 11.71% 3.71%

In order to take into account the impact of future factors (in relation to strategic and other counterparties), the Group adjusts the parameters related to the probability of default using the quotations of Credit Default Swap instruments for individual ratings. The Probability of Default is implied from the quotations of Credit Default Swap instruments over a two-year horizon and a six-month horizon, averaged for counterparties rated within a particular rating.

Revaluation allowances of receivables are recognised in such cost categories which correspond to the function of the assets component, i.e. in costs of operating activity or financial costs – depending on the type of receivables the allowance refers to.


In accordance with the requirements of IFRS 9 Financial Instruments , the Group estimates impairment losses on receivables from customers attributable to expected credit losses. The allowance calculation methodology is described above.

As at 31 December 2022

As at 31 December 2021

Value of items before allowance/write-down
Receivables from buyers, of which: 3 795 3 363

Additional assessment of revenue from sales  of electricity and distribution services

925 1 094
Receivables claimed at court 232 217
Total 4 027 3 580
Receivables from buyers (62) (65)
Receivables claimed at court (146) (193)
Total (208) (258)
Value of item net of allowance (carrying amount)
Receivables from buyers 3 733 3 298
Receivables claimed at court 86 24
Total, of which: 3 819 3 322
Current 3 819 3 322


Ageing of receivables from customers as at 31 December 2022

Past due
Not past due < 30 days 30-90 days 90-180 days 180-360 days > 360 days Total
Value of item before allowance/write-down 3 510 195 56 25 44 197 4 027
Allowance/write-down (17) (5) (9) (17) (31) (129) (208)
Net Value 3 493 190 47 8 13 68 3 819

Ageing of receivables from customers as at 31 December 2021

Past due
Not past due < 30 days 30-90 days 90-180 days 180-360 days > 360 days Total
Value of item before allowance/write-down 3 012 286 38 20 32 192 3 580
Allowance/write-down (28) (4) (6) (20) (32) (168) (258)
Net Value 2 984 282 32 24 3 322

Change in allowances on receivables from customers

Year ended 31 December 2022

Year ended 31 December 2021

Opening balance (258) (261)


(3) (6)


5 7


48 2
Closing balance (208) (258)

Breakdown of impairment losses by counterparty portfolio as at 31 December 2022

Receiveables claimed at court
Receiveables from buyers Court and enforcement proceedings Bankruptcy proceedings Total
Mass counterparties (46) (68) (43) (157)

Strategic counterparties

(16) (17) (18) (51)
Total counterparties (62) (85) (61) (208)

Breakdown of impairment losses by counterparty portfolio as at 31 December 2021

Receiveables claimed at court
Receiveables from buyers Court and enforcement proceedings Bankruptcy proceedings Total
Mass counterparties (38) (103) (32) (173)
Strategic counterparties (27) (18) (40) (85)
Total counterparties (65) (121) (72) (258)

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