23. Earnings/(loss) per share


Net profit (loss) per share for each period is calculated by dividing the net profit (loss) attributable to equity holders of the parent company for a given reporting period by the weighted average number of shares existing in that period.

Year ended
31 December 2022
Year ended
31 December 2021
(restated figures)
Net profit (loss) for the year attributable to equity holders of the Parent (134) 338
Net profit on continuing operations for the year attributable to equity
holders of the Parent
(209) 785
Number of ordinary shares 1 752 549 394 1 752 549 394
Profit (loss) per share – basic and diluted attributable to shareholders of the parent company (in PLN) (0.08) 0.19
Profit (loss) per share – basic and diluted on continued operations attributable to shareholders of the parent company (in PLN) (0.12) 0.45

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