13.1. Operating segments

Year ended 31 December 2022

Operating segments Other Unallocated items / Eliminations Total, continuing operations Discontinued operations Total, continuing and discontinued operations
Generation Renewable Energy Sources Distribution Sales Mining Unallocated items / Eliminations
Sales to external customers 5 586 166 3 667 26 260 275 35 954 1 387 37 341
Inter-segment sales 5 530 743 3 915 8 960 1 106 (20 254)
Sales to from discontinued operations 10 29 271 47 357 1 293 (1 650)
Total segment revenue 11 126 909 7 611 35 491 1 428 (20 254) 36 311 2 680 (1 650) 37 341
Recompensation revenue 2 482 484 484
Profit/(loss) of the segment (1 435) 292 1 679 550 163 (201) 1 048 490 (440) 1 098
Share in profit/(loss) of joint ventures 128 128 128
Unallocated expenses (107) (107) (107)
EBIT (1 307) 292 1 679 550 163 (308) 1 069 490 (440) 1 119
Finance income (costs) (959) (959) (27) (986)
Profit/(loss) before income tax (1 307) 292 1 679 550 163 (1 267) 110 490 (467) 133
Income tax expense (319) (319) 52 (267)
Net profit/(loss) for the period (1 307) 292 1 679 550 163 (1 586) (209) 490 (415) (134)
Assets and liabilities
Segment assets 9 475 2 910 22 174 6 701 1 156 42 416 42 416
Investments in joint ventures 682 682 682
Unallocated assets 2 222 2 222 2 222
Total assets 10 157 2 910 22 174 6 701 1 156 2 222 45 320 45 320
Segment liabilities 4 621 204 2 170 2 868 682 10 545 10 545
Unallocated liabilities 18 161 18 161 18 161
Total liabilities 4 621 204 2 170 2 868 682 18 161 28 706 28 706
EBIT (1 307) 292 1 679 550 163 (308) 1 069 490 (440) 1 119
Depreciation/amortization (446) (182) (1 257) (46) (134) 5 (2 060) (156) (2 216)
Impairment (82) (2) (3) 2 (1) (86) (135) (460) (681)
EBITDA (779) 476 2 939 594 298 (313) 3 215 781 20 4 016
Other segment information
Capital expenditure * 383 459 2 137 75 391 3 445 517 3 962
* Capital expenditure includes expenditure on property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and rights to use assets excluding the acquisition of CO2 emission rights and property rights of energy origin.

Year ended 31 December 2021 (restated figures)

Operating segments Other Unallocated items / Eliminations Total, continuing operations

Discontinued operations

Total, continuing and discontinued operations
Generation Renewable Energy Sources Distribution Sales Mining Unallocated items / Eliminations
Sales to external customers 3 504 159 3 446 17 639 177 24 925 689 25 614
Inter-segment sales 6 305 502 3 616 6 345 958 (17 726)
Sales to from discontinued operations 10 37 150 42 239 778 (1 017)
Total segment revenue 9 819 661 7 099 24 134 1 177 (17 726) 25 164 1 467 (1 017) 25 614
Recompensation revenue (9) (9) (9)
Profit/(loss) of the segment (57) 224 1 767 (564) 92 (43) 1 419 (458) 14 975
Share in profit/(loss) of joint ventures 32 32 32
Unallocated expenses (91) (91) (91)
EBIT (25) 224 1 767 (564) 92 (134) 1 360 (458) 14 916
Finance income (costs) (235) (235) (6) (241)
Profit/(loss) before income tax (25) 224 1 767 (564) 92 (369) 1 125 (458) 8 675
Income tax expense (293) (293) 3 (290)
Net profit/(loss) for the period (25) 224 1 767 (564) 92 (662) 832 (458) 11 385
Assets and liabilities
Segment assets 8 252 2 470 21 117 4 508 891 37 238 899 38 137
Investments in joint ventures 597 597 597
Unallocated assets 1 281 1 281 60 1 341
Total assets 8 849 2 470 21 117 4 508 891 1 281 39 116 899 60 40 075
Segment liabilities 2 713 195 2 038 2 015 591 7 552 857 8 409
Unallocated liabilities 15 046 15 046 96 15 142
Total liabilities 2 713 195 2 038 2 015 591 15 046 22 598 857 96 23 551
EBIT (25) 224 1 767 (564) 92 (134) 1 360 (458) 14 916
Depreciation/amortization (453) (151) (1 203) (41) (110) (1 958) (143) (2 101)
Impairment (947) (1) 3 1 (6) (950) (185) (1 135)
EBITDA 1 375 376 2 967 (524) 208 (134) 4 268 (130) 14 4 152
Other segment information
Capital expenditure * 240 90 2 044 82 200 2 656 276 2 932
* Capital expenditure includes expenditure on property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and rights to use assets excluding the acquisition of CO2 emission rights and property rights of energy origin..

In the year ended 31 December 2022, revenues from exchange sales earned in the Sales and Generation segment by Izba Rozliczeniowa Giełd Towarowych S.A., accounted for 16% of the Group’s total revenues from continuing operations and amounted to PLN 5 958 million. In the comparable period, this revenue, earned in the Sales segment, accounted for 11% of the Group’s total revenue from continuing operations and amounted to PLN 2 798 million.

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